Ivan's bloody nipple

“do we really need that fucking joke?”

Oppressed people make a good source of cheap labour. If American capitalists manage to get in on the ground of North Korea, they’ll be able to undercut the prices of Chinese manufacturing...

What does that numbnuts think prevented the Nazis from “keeping going”... of all the things you can say about the nazis, you can’t honestly think that they didn’t give it their very best shot?

My prediction, it’ll be Clarkellamy&co to dig the Wonkru out in an effort to gain allies in their fight against Prisonkru... and it won’t go well.

I thought we’d see her burping for an hour...

While I clearly don’t know anything about Romanian airport security, I’m gonna err on the side of it not including indignities and habitual molestation in their routine.

Poor A8 had it’s face rearranged with a hammer then was mercilessly stretched on a rack until it achieved it’s current unnatural form. Yikes.

The person you’re arguing with maintains a position that they ABSOLUTELY DID use a younger actor, because Van Sant couldn’t possibly afford a CGI for de-aging, while insisting they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD have used a quadriplegic actor and then CGI him walking in the pre-accident scenes, because as we all know, movie

Your bot seems to glitching out after the “assume the worst motivation of everyone to score snarky internet points” software update. 

Easy to avoid delays. No safety barriers on the bridge, and have some boats ready to fish out very wet Ricciardo.

I don’t understand the world in which someone’s reaction to free money on the freeway is to take out a phone and film it...

Also, 5,000,000$ is way too much for an F50.

I got a brown streak instead.

Found it! The world’s douchiest car show.

I just came here for the new and creative ways of essentially berating a woman for not smiling... and it looks like I’m not leaving disappointed.

“At least 19 people were killed and 26 injured in a stabbing spree at a facility for disabled people west of Tokyo, making it one of Japan’s deadliest mass killings since World War II.”

The homicidal asshole population of the world isn’t exactly known for their creative out of the box thinking. The recent surge started here in Europland, where weapons and weapons training a bit harder to come by, after surprising “success” of Nice and Berlin, there’s now copycats aplenty.

I too have decided, I’m utterly certain, I will consider it. Depending on the given mood, strikes of fancy and developing circumstances. That I might, maybe watch, or not watch.

Dude, let it go. Continuity in the Simpsons? Never.

lol #fashion