Sounds like what you need is to celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas... It’s on January 7th. Get some of that sweet Russian collusion. Get it while it’s hot!
Sounds like what you need is to celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas... It’s on January 7th. Get some of that sweet Russian collusion. Get it while it’s hot!
“Laïcité” is showing itself to be as repressive and orthodox as any religion taken too far.Don’t kid yourself.
If it means so much to him Pulisic could, if it isn’t too late to switch teams, play for Croatia at the World Cup. They just qualified.
It was rumormongering tho. It’s just that the rumors are true. They took a credible story and hobbled it with some very questionable reporting, then pulled Jen Kirman into the drama for good measure.
Guy in the video you posted says McDonalds didn’t lower the temperatures.
Chosen by the public... perhaps the German public doesn’t feel particularly haunted by the scepter of dialectic materialism.
Wall to wall cringe-o-rama. This is some Kevin Sorbo in Hecrules type of writing&directing... they’re basically just exclaiming things at each other for an hour, followed by a quick shocked-look reaction shot. That’s the only way that cast can convey things.
Pox on everyone’s houses!
Don’t trust this car! It’s a thieving backstabbing scoundrel.
It does not at all sound like Eric/Derek. That K at the end comes from a way different part of your mouth than any kind of S.
Tell that to Mubarak.
But maybe this does? :p
It’s a statement of fact. Exaggerated for effect. Eh, close enough.
Your average Russian had never seen a Black person.
I realize this seems like a pesky irrelevant detail to Americans but Russian Federation isn’t actually USSR... both crappy to be sure, their governments are on the opposite ends of political spectrum.
Dude, you just described Trump as an ideologue.(!?)
-Heard of this Beyonce person, mostly through social media.