Ivan's bloody nipple


For the same reason everyone else, and their grandmother, tends to overshare on the social media platforms. People forget the whole “express your feelings” mantra does come with some small print.

You sure about that? This is very much a matter of opinion, but as they had won, theirs prevailed. If their rebellion had failed, like that of the Southerners had, you’d probably be a Canadian or something, today decrying the treasonous rascals who had rebelled against his royal majesty’s rightful government.

The guy in a blue suit and a purple tie at the beginning of the video looks like Ramzan Kadyrov, nutty boy-despot of Chechnya which would certainly explain it.

Punching one Nazi doesn’t help. Punching a whole bunch of Nazis literally solved a world of problems.

FDR also didn’t send American soldiers to Europe with orders to engages Nazis in fisticuffs either. Richard Spencer has the same abhorrent beliefs now as when before that guy’s fist connected with his face... If you’re actually committed to the strategy of violently stamping out Nazism then you should stop sharing

So, here’s a provocative question, though first I have to point out I’m not American so I’m sure there are bits of cultural relevancy that are simply lost on me...

Wait... whut?

Central Europe must have gotten bigger.

I need to do more, and better, drugs.

You know, the countries which were actually liberated/occupied by Soviet Union aren’t even speaking Russian.

Whoah, hot take...

Man, I love American history.

˝...the less people who develop costly tobacco habits that can cause health problems, such as lung cancer, heart disease and developmental issues, the less strain there will be on our healthcare system,”

I guess that makes it somewhat unreasonable on the part of the school. Doesn’t make the ritual unveiling and devailing on the part of the mother seem any less goofy though.

I feel there’s another way to sum up the situation here, as in:”Hey, we got this crazy demand; we’d actually like to be able to identify the adults on school premises.”

The school administration’s responsibility for the safety of their students does, I think, reasonably includes precluding unidentifiable, masked people from poking around school grounds... If your face is covered, how is the school supposed to identify you, and make sure some stranger isn’t pick up your kids?

Why would you expect better of fashion magazines when supposedly legitimate media touted her people-boiling daddy simply as “partner in terror war”?

This article and its’ general sentiment regarding bullying; “that’s what kids do” reminds me of nothing so much but that the victims, at least in my experience, tend not to differ.