I belive that this is how you get ants.
I belive that this is how you get ants.
If they make one with Westphalia style popup roof, I’m in.
L - S - D
“If Russia, which is currently sending nuclear ready ships and bombers to the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast and into US airspace and telling its citizens to prepare for nuclear war, makes this shitshow global, it will be on them.”
Ohh, there will be plenty of blame to go around for everyone...
Backing is bit strong, no? I find it fascinating how the sides have switched and it is now democrats who have embraced the sabre-rattling and wish to resurrect the Cold War... and no one ever asks what the proposed “no-fly zone” actually entails, ‘cause I’m pretty sure it means shooting down Russian planes when they…
“Sawdust pathways have been widened and replaced with blue stone. The garden features a large new, stone-paved seating area and a prominent archway, cemented into the lawn.”
He may come to regret this... Ramzan himself came to power, after his father who had switched sides before the 2nd Chechen war, made him his head of security... and then promptly got mysteriously assassinated by a bomb at a stadium, right as Ramzey was away, on businessess, meeting Vlad, and became the first man to…
He is? How many Russian leaders, apart from Putin, in the last, say... 100 years have the US gotten along with? Putin is about average imho.
Does it elevate music as an art form?
I read the title as Lotus. Because... c’mon, ofcourse I did!
Gypsy is fine.
Also known as 600 kilometers...
Wankel for a boy, Countach for a girl.
“Just because something’s not morally sound doesn’t mean that you can’t objectively enjoy it,”
I think he interrupted Clinton because she was trying to talk about policy, and nobody wants that, having the candidates throw feces at each other on live TV is much better for the ratings. He didn’t have to interrupt Trumps because Donald doesn’t do policy anyway.
Here’s a transcript of Anderson asking Rubio such pertinent policy as how he met his wife, and whether he’d let his son play football...(http://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2016/02/17/rus…)
Poor Matt is getting thrown under a bus... allowing themselves to be steamrolled by Trump is all every moderator has ever done. Didn’t Anderson Cooper host a town hall during the republican primary where he was asking candidates what their favourite cocktails are? To be condemned by such paragons. Sad!
But if you don’t charge everyone with the harshest crime-threatening life imprisonment, then they’d be less likely to take a plea deal and admit to a lesser charge, making it likelier the prosecutors would actually have to do their job and bring a case in front of the jury... and wouldn’t that suck..?