
Well, the neighbor could have gone inside and checked herself, but if I noticed my neighbor’s front door was open I would definitely be worried something was up.  And if there were an intruder you are asking a lot of a neighbor to put themselves at risk.  The blame here should fall entirely on the cop who by the sound

Yeah, what has irked me the most about this whole episode is that a bunch of conservatives (Clay Travis leading the way) have basically used this to jump all over the NBA for caving to China and as they call it “Bending the Knee to Chinese Dictators” when there are so many other companies doing business with China.

Definitely understand the failure to hire the best and brightest. My dad is outside general counsel for APOST (Alabama Peace Officers Standards and Training), and he has had to deal with the de-certifying process for some really, really stupid Alabama cops.  He was once told by a pretty-high up guy in the Alabama Law

No show uses its one “fuck” per season better than Bojack Horseman. Even though it’s on Netflix so could drop as many f-bombs as they wanted, Bojack always uses it to great effect just once a season.

I don’t know man, if Trump is in office another 4 years he can definitely give W. a run for his money.  I mean in terms of actual harm caused by the President specifically.  

You’ve seen The Wire, right?  Or just watched the first episode?  They murder a witness who testified after trial even though the guy he testified against got off.  Just because he had testified already doesn’t mean someone won’t retaliate.  I still think a lot of this “oh the cops killed him” theories are out there,

Well, that’s now it works legally. Employers (and everyone beyond the government) typically have the right to discriminate against anyone, and laws make exception to that. So if you are not protected by a law, then you are pretty much screwed. So I as a business owner could say “I’m only hiring registered Democrats”

They probably won’t rescind Roe, but rather uphold restrictions that make it virtually impossible to obtain an abortion. The law right now says restrictions can’t place an undue burden. They will overturn Casey or keep it in place but uphold pretty much any restriction.  

Yes, but some originalists really do view it on that ridiculous lens. Also, the Declaration isn’t really some legally binding paper, and it did just apply to white men.  That’s how our country viewed it until the 14th Amendment was passed.  But yeah, the whole “you have to interpret things strictly as written with no

Maybe, but it seems to me that if we are just looking the country, more people seem to believe in LGBQ rights than they those that believe in rights for transgender people. Would be interesting to have a ruling that says you can’t discriminate on basis of a person being transgender but you can on sexual orientation.

Oh yeah, that’s the way they will go on this one unless Roberts or Gorsuch flip. It’s not too hard to basically say that the legislative history of the law in question shows that the consideration there was more gender-based and not based on sexual orientation, and they are only interpreting that law. It’s pretty

Yeah.  I’d be like, you see, “arms” at the founding were basically muskets and other primitive firearms.  So if you want that musket, have it.  

Yeah, that’s a really solid way to frame it.  I think they’ll ultimately shoot it down and note that Congress intended to extend protections on the basis of gender when they used the word “sex.”  That seems to me to not be a completely horrible argument (the bathroom b.s. though, JFC).  The worrying thing is that it

The commentary is probably the biggest reason I stopped watching WWE.  The crap they have Corey Graves saying is just awful and really takes away from the actual matches.  I know the point is to try to generate heat for heels based on Graves’ commentary, but it really just makes me hate him, not the wrestler (I mean,

Yeah, if the Republicans don’t get their shit together and do something about this, we really need to dismantle the system of winner take all elections and go to a proportional system.  Because if anything, Trump’s presidency has shown us so far that the two party system created by SMDP representation is a disaster

Yeah, their strategy has been just to blurt out over and over again that there was no quid pro quo, so it’s all good.  It’d be like if I was being investigated for assault with a deadly weapon and was like, “I don’t even own a gun” even though the guy was beat with a tire iron.  

How much do you want to bet that Putin got to Shokin and the other Ukrainians pushing this conspiracy theory to weaken the USA’s relationship with Ukraine, just like Volker apparently told them it would?  

How much do you want to bet that Putin got to Shokin and the other Ukrainians pushing this conspiracy theory to weaken the USA’s relationship with Ukraine, just like Volker apparently told them it would?  

I know it was the Senate, but anytime those GOP morons complain about rules and procedures, I just wish Schiff and Pelosi would be like, “Merrick Garland,” and move on.  Anytime any Republican Congressperson wants to talk about norms, and civility, and procedure, my refrain would always just be, “Merrick Garland.” 

This is what I don’t get.  I mean, Mueller found insufficient evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, and punted on the obstruction question.  Wasn’t it “total exoneration” according to Trump?  All this time wasting to discredit the Mueller probe by trying to prove it was an unfair hit on Trump