
Yeah, Sarah Palin is an idiot who got called up to try to shake things up in a Presidential election the Republicans had zero chance of winning.  Once she lost she shuffled back to Alaska and has pretty much done nothing of note in 12 years.  So while she’s a trash politician and a hypocrite given her daughter’s teen

I can; the answer is yes.  Because what we have now is a demented narcissistic buffoon who also wants to be a dictator.  Palin is stupid, but not any dumber than Donald Trump has been his entire life.  I also don’t get wannabe mob boss/authoritarian vibes from her.  Also, as a woman, she’d be kept in check way more by

Yeah, ultimately, the Academy only made one nonsensical nomination to me, and that was for Phillips (but even then, they love Marty and a Marty homage would get a boost).

I thought she was great in Black Swan, but haven’t really been blown away by most of her stuff. 

Yeah, a bit dangerous to just bring up their past work, but I don’t think Phillips’s direction was that impressive. I guess the Academy loves them some Marty though, so I can see why they would give a nod to a homage to Marty.

You are definitely right on the money on criticism being a big part of it. Also, the fact that there will be very loud contingent to crap on a female-driven movie just because it’s a female-driven movie, and then you have movies having artificially low Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB fan scores. Which yeah, those shouldn’t

Ken Jeong was pretty annoying last season, deciding that because he was crap at guessing which celebrity was behind the mask, he would just be insufferable and make dumb guesses while acting luny. I would have preferred him try more seriously and be less dumb, but that’s the character he plays.

Well, it is the “Skywalker” saga, but Kylo Ren is from that family so it would still have fit.  Bringing back the Emperor just sounds so dumb...and hey, if Rian Johnson was so terrible for supposedly crapping all over the prior movies, how does JJ not do exactly that by bringing him back? What was Vader’s death for

You list three pretty important places the story could go: Kylo+Rey, Leia’s legacy, and the First Order after Snoke’s death. Those seem like pretty decent threads. Let me ask you this, what big story threads would have been carried over from Empire Strikes Back? Rescuing Han, Luke+Vader, and the general arc of the Rebe

“I love you.

Yeah, I’m thinking it’s Lando. Probably something a bit more than just a photo, but maybe a conversation with Leia about Han where it’s just clear enough (but not in a banned in China or make the Evangelicals faint) that Lando was in love Han.  

Stealing from the vets to own to libs!

I know you a troll, but let’s run it down for you: Zelensky didn’t “testify,” he stated something in an interview, which all Trump lovers should know doesn’t mean shit. Also, Zelensky’s own statements have pretty much tried to make Ukraine look strong and “not like a beggar,” but he also took Trump to task for

The NFL tried to spring this on him last minute, not let his people take video of the workout, and then have him sign a legal waiver for participating in what probably was going to be a sham process that would make the NFL look like it was giving him a fair shot?   I don’t think that’s the kind of workout CK has been

He’s not really even presented as lovable. He can be a “favorite character” in the sense that one can find his episodes the funniest, but he’s not presented as lovable. Cartman is deranged, a murderer, a bigot who literally tried to recreate the Holocaust, and an absolute POS. People that identify with him or Rick

But is it the show promoting those ideas, or kids who are already hateful just watching the show and taking the wrong message from it? The Dolphin episode was bad, but was also from like 2006. In the Cissie, Cartman (the show’s best example of a bad faith actor) lied about identifying as non-cis (it’s been a while and

Yes, that’s a great way of articulating it, and better than my lengthy attempts here. They are poking fun of bad faith actors talking about how “oh, well any man can just identify as a woman and start dominating.” People literally say that kind of stuff, and it’s bad faith transphobic nonsense. That’s how I viewed the

Sometimes I just think the guys don’t consider the effect of what they are doing or how it will be reacted to because they are trying to tell a story they think is funny. It’s a show run by two guys with very little editing, so sometimes they miss the mark. But at the same time, I viewed the Heather character as more

Yeah, it was definitely not my favorite episode this season either.  

Agree totally, and that’s why I think the review misses the mark. “Opponents seem to picture trans athletes as nothing more than men wearing wig trying to run with women so they can blow away the fields.”  That’s exactly right, and I viewed the episode as treating that point as absurdity.  Maybe that’s just my view of