
It depends on what the complaint was and what the test drive was looking to replicate. I’ve had customer cars at 100+mph simply to bed the brake pads/rotors properly. (the brake manufacturer had explicit instructions of 10 HARD stops from 100+mph to 10mph, without a complete stop. How else am I supposed to do that?

G(et) I(nto your correct) G(ender role) Em!

SVT you mean?

I thought they were for drinking.

Without severe and permanent knuckle damage and lacerations.

Still easier then changing a head light bulb on a new car.


Go figure.

Just be careful that someone there doesn’t steal your beer and give it to the buster.

Picture of your “Friend”.

You should get a new friend.

Well it did stop the racing, so mission accomplished?

You can wear it over your ass, but your ass can’t sit on it. I think. Flag rules are weird.

Or not have a gun at all ya cockwomble!