
Clearly, I haven’t done enough research. I watched a few comparisons for fun, but apparently it’s not really much of a difference.

Clearly, I haven’t done enough research. I watched a few comparisons for fun, but apparently it’s not really much of

Okay, so you’ve proven there is conflicting evidence. Of the videos I’ve seen, Yetis usually do better. No need to get emotional.

Okay, so you’ve proven there is conflicting evidence. Of the videos I’ve seen, Yetis usually do better. No need to

Yes. Although surely you could extrapolate that the results of these tests would be significantly hastened in places where the temperature is either very high, or very low, relative to room temperature.

Yes. Although surely you could extrapolate that the results of these tests would be significantly hastened in places

I’m sure the gravity drive is still completely fine.

Whether people put yeti stickers on their cars or not, the yeti cups are better at keeping things cold.

Whether people put yeti stickers on their cars or not, the yeti cups are better at keeping things cold.


Yeah I’m with you. I’m not going to sit there and be like, “Well it’s slightly more dangerous for me to drive with my semi-autonomous vehicle, so I’ll just sit here dying hoping an ambulance will make it.”

Even if it does have benefits I couldn’t do it to myself. Looks freakin gross.

That’s a beautiful car. Awesome commercial too!

I really prefer the column shifters. They just make better use of the console area. Even if I don’t have 4 cups in the front, I can drop my phone in there or whatever else.

Yeah I don’t get why they even have that dumb chase marketplace. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that was better than the cash back value.

Healthcare is so inelastic in demand, insurers and doctors can charge just about whatever they want. Because of this inescapable fact, government regulation in the healthcare industry is a good idea to prevent what amounts to price gouging.

Again, that’s one example. It’s not indicative of the entire population’s outcome.

I suppose it would be ironic if liberals believed that government created the misfortune in the first place. That’s usually a conservative talking point, however.

I’m liberal, but I lose my empathy for people when they start to blame government for their misfortune, instead of themselves. If you don’t want to be a 1099 employee, fucking work harder, or otherwise become more valuable and grab a hold of those fucking bootstraps you probably spout off about and yank yourself out.

I’m personally paying a lot less than I was. We could talk about anecdotal evidence all day, but overall, the numbers point to more families covered and lower premiums nationwide.

You are able to report a “life event” and change your expected income for the year to get a much higher subsidy, making the plan more affordable.

Are they replacing the Tower of Terror in Orlando too? That was one of my favorites... I immediately recognized the building.

5 of 5 stars. 100% amazing.

See this is what they should have done. You are already triggering a number of events when the door opens. Extending it to the electronic shifting mechanism would be trivial. Although I could see a situation where someone is towing it or something random to need neutral and they tear up the transmission. Idk...