
Sure, and a notification from the app on my phone. But to check and make sure it was ordered correctly kind of defeats the convenience of something like this. I would rather see it all happen in one place. It’s just a matter of preference.

My concern with a button is it’s too easy to order something and there is (I assume) no mechanism on the button itself to indicate a successful/failed order. I have to see the price, confirm I want it, then hit “order.” I also like getting feedback when the order is completed successfully right then and there,

Oh man, that’s cool. Hold down mouse click = orgasmic.

Was he trying a burnout... or something?

I disagree with bettere. Cloud storage and security are not mutually exclusive. Having completely reliable data storage requires offsite (cloud), in addition to local backup. Inherently, off-site storage requires more security, but it is important to have one in the event your local resources are destroyed. Local

Are your designs normally bid out after you finish, or are they usually designated to some kind of pre-selected construction manager?

Let’s hope it doesn’t resemble these:

Or, if we are going with a pool metaphor... Cessepool would be apt.

Ya, I assume they are a long way from that kind of infrastructure. But it would be interesting to see exactly what state it’s in.

I totally came here looking for grumpy cat.


What’s so great about that segment is John Oliver was 100% right. Trump is SO sensitive about his hands, it’s hilarious.

People should just refer to him as Donald “tiny-hands” Drumpf.

Me too. The only thing I wonder is how many articles I’m reading are already using “Drump” and I just don’t know it. I’ll never know!

I’m currently reading this article with the John Oliver “Trump” to “Drumpf” extension.

It’s so tragic that they were willing to call an ambulance and trust doctors when they knew it was dire, but not in the first place, when you know, they could have actually done something about it.

It will have that “just turned on feeling” we need.

I guess that would mean we’ve come full circle from the Batman Forever days. Or hopefully we could come up with something better...

Yeah, and no one loves Boba Fett...

It definitely reminded me of that. I think a few other movies are doing “slow-downs” of popular themes. Another one was in the Force Awakens trailer. Or maybe that was just a slow song, I can’t remember.