
So, because you have a “healthy knowledge and respect for them” means you can’t also think of them as scary? Why are those two things mutually exclusive?

But what would its address be?!

And to my understanding, the 3.0L EcoDiesel used in the Ram isn’t even a very good motor.

I’d like to know strategies for financing a used car. Is this something I should approach a local bank about? A used car would be cheaper for sure, but I’d like to factor in the higher interest I’d be paying for a used car financed without the incentives offered by a dealership and see how I come out. Any thoughts?

Perfect way to start a Monday. Cute sloth rescues!

It hurts my eyes.

Even though it seems like a misnomer, I suppose in a sense that is “enforcing” the law in the same way adjusting your tax deductions from business expenses gives you more or less of a return. Especially because the IRS apparently cannot use liens or levies to collect any amount owed by the ACA requirements like they

I’m aware of the extra paperwork involved. In my opinion, it is not worth a 50% increase in my usual rate of tax preparation because it is not a proportional, 50% increase in workload relative to the rest of my tax preparation. I’m assuming it is a political statement based on that fact and because I actually know

Does anyone prefer last year’s Q7 (and pretty much any other audi model’s) styling over the new one? I find the new one to be a step down. Last year’s had great proportions and styling. Anyone with me?

Exactly. I don’t think it’s out of the question to charge slightly more, but when it’s around 50% more, for what I’ve gathered is a pretty simple bit of paperwork, I’m going to be upset.

Keep an eye out for fees associated with the ACA. My tax preparer sought to charge me an extra $50 for “extra paperwork” related to the ACA. It was disappointing, especially since the overall bill for my tax prep is usually $75-100, depending on the amount of trading I did the previous year. But to me it was an

I just don’t like that they’re using the name Telluride. I like that town and I don’t want it associated with this weird lookin’ kiawagon.

Or just park in your heated garage, of course.

I’m glad you said this because that’s exactly what I thought when I first saw it. I was like, uhh “FUCK THE WHAT”!??!

Now just imagine what kind of damage people would do on a REAL hoverboard.

Smart bombs!

There is also something else to consider... In the opening, when Ren was sent down to the planet with a load of storm troopers including Finn, he looked at Finn specifically and later recalled his ID.

Tie bombers too!! I thought they would call them on the temple. TIE fighters seem an odd choice to attack a surface target.

I like that he didn’t hide behind it though. When someone (Poe I think) asked to talk to his face, he just took it right off and was like alright, here I am. I also like how it’s his own voice through the mask, rather than a voice actor. Makes the whole character more authentic.

I loved Kylo Ren. He was the most interesting character to me in the film. There was the inner struggle, his place in the first order and the build up to seeing Han again. I also thought they did his costume well. It wasn’t too crazy. And they gave him an altered voice, but it was actually his own and not overdone.