
Fair enough. Speaking of the Sub/Yuk/Esc, I always liked that the avalanche used this platform and carried over features not present in the truck, like puddle lamps on the mirrors, garage door homelink thing and a few other niceties.

I actually really liked the later models. I think they finally wised up about the trim and removed just about all of it.

Clearly just a crude precursor to today’s modern chemtrail producing aircraft.

It’s cool to watch that barrel remain perfectly elevated even as the tank body rocks around.

THANK YOU! I have an older 7 machine my wife uses and I’ve been wanting to do a clean install, but wasn’t sure how it would work with the way they are pushing the upgrades.

“Millennial” here... I was in the same spot. Crunched the numbers and the difference in total cost was negligible, but the monthly difference was enough to warrant going with the lease. The only downside was the potential mileage penalties, but I was able to keep those in check, then purchase at the end.


Yes. They’ve been on the market for quite some time though it appears not to have helped that much as of yet.

This is pretty slick. Do they double as puddle lamps, or is that a separate light?

This is what baffles me the most. If you want to ban abortions, I understand the logic. But what I can’t understand is why those same people are also actively undermining the most effective methods at reducing the need for an abortion, like easy, affordable access to contraception, mandatory sex education in schools,

The worst part was not only that they had crosswinds, but by the look of it, significantly varying gusts.

To be fair, they did have functional vents on the “fastbacks.”

Soooo shouldn’t it be called 3? :]

The term “GMO” is often applied by opponents of the process, hoping to make the new techniques seem unsafe. So I think instead, it should be used as an umbrella term for any modification, which actually makes more sense based on the words in the acronym. Taken literally, the term “genetically modified organism” or

I guess you missed the point. The result is the same. People that worry about GMO foods are wasting their time. That’s what the referenced article is about.

Everything in agriculture is a GMO. The earliest crops humans used in farming are unrecognizable compared to the species that exist today. The only difference is that the level of technology that helps us determine successful genes in crops has advanced dramatically.

He’s even giving it the ol wiggle.

That’s true. It wasn’t until after people saw his performance did they realize, hey this guy does a great, fucking joker.

I agree with this. I drove an ‘04 Sierra that I thought looked the best for a while, but I like the proportions and general styling of the ram trucks compared to most other models today. “It just looks right.”