
lol... you realize some of this is just for the parents, right? I guess you could give a kid a $400 camera and a 4000 mAh usb battery charger to play with. I wouldn’t recommend it, myself.

I got even less than that and somehow didn’t perish as well. We’re both survivors it seems!

This is great! I’d like to see more things like this for parents that travel with young kids. I’ve got a 3 year old with another on the way and it’s sometimes daunting preparing for a vacation. You never know what you might need!

I’d like to see some comparisons between a pair of SLI’d 970s and a 980ti and higher models. That would be more easily attainable for most people because you could go with the cheaper 970 model and then when you can afford another, just pop it in there. I would just like to know how they stack up in real world

970 here as well. It was the best bang for the buck IMO.

Came here to post. Well done.

Now to see the unloading procedure...

I always get sprite for some reason. It’s my “comfort drink” in the air.

Yep. I have this in my grand cherokee and think it’s the best of both worlds.

I think it’s a big assumption to say that just because it’s not an apple product means it needs more time on “care and maintenance”. I’ve had several apple products over the years, from macbooks to ipads and ipods, which have needed their share of care and maintenance. I’ve also owned a variety of PCs. From an old

Honestly, if I’m desperate/lazy/hungry enough to order delivery pizza (or get takeout if I’m feeling not quite as lazy) I can eat just about any kind of pizza from any kind of pizza place and enjoy it just fine.

And sometimes the decision to implement a new OS or other tech is completely out of our hands. In my experience, beyond suggestions and recommendations to management, IT is normally not responsible for making decisions on behalf of the company when it comes to this area.


I had some jaybird bluetooth buds that I liked, but the button is broken and I was wanting to get the newer model, but didn’t want to drop another bengie on a new set. This will do nicely it seems!

I had some jaybird bluetooth buds that I liked, but the button is broken and I was wanting to get the newer model,

uhh... her character specifically didn’t go through that in the books because she was never in that circumstance with Ramsay. That scene was contrived for the television version. The woman who was in her position in the books received a much more awful episode of sexual assault.

Have you read this part of the book?? It was FAR worse than what they did on the show.

“I didn’t think you were going to go 20 backwards.” LOL

Right. It’s just a question of development cost and the price you pay. Microsoft is doing you a favor by providing a version for free, while making others pay for more advanced editions that need them, basically subsidizing the other versions.

It sounds like you’ve got the idea. I don’t have much experience with mac networking and backup solutions though. I’ve heard good things about drobo products with macs and I know there are also a few other companies that include timemachine compatible backup services with their NAS products as well.

Best cloud alternative: Stick a simple NAS drive somewhere on your home network. This would let you backup any computer, and you can cheaply store everything you want.