
Ha I was about to say, he reminds me of some kind of animated video game character.

I like dual monitors for windows because you can snap windows to different screens, or maximize a window in one monitor. With one single monitor, you can snap them to both sides, but that’s about it. I also seem to organize my work with two screens better. Something about the characteristics of separate monitors (like

Just don’t get shot in the propane tank!

Love this one.

I remember that happening in Gladiator. I think it was for me as well. Pretty cool! I was like, "woah, this must be a big deal."

Playing multiplayer anything on dialup. A close second would be the first cable modems when they weren't quite stable. I beat the shit out of it. Probably not the best way to fix it, but hey I was a kid.

Wait for a straightaway at least.

I was just thinking that. Just use the vacuum to clean itself. vacception.





6.) Corvette Twofer

If you're going to hate on a car, at least get the model right.

"Because of the fact that..."

Or you could fire off a few depth charges with this puppy.

It's funny that desirable laptops (in my opinion) went from few connections, to many, and then back to a few.

Looks an F-14 here. Is that an ally's plane? What's the context of the photo?