
When Sears says something isn’t selling you know it’s serious, their benchmark for daily sales in a given store has to be in the high twos or the low threes.

It still amazes me how tax dollars pay for Trump’s wife to live in his own fucking building.

Melania: “I don’t get it... so WHEN do I get deported for being an immigrant?”

Donald: “As soon as the tits start sagging. So keep a travel bag handy.”

Jesus H Christ, I hope she doesn’t (and I voted for her). She has too much baggage. She is not a slam dunk candiate and the Democrats need to learn from their mistakes. Run someone young and without years of intrigue behind him/her. Run someone like Obama that will get people excited to vote.

I was surprised by the super bowl commercials. Many were just so in your face against the administration.

As is the absolute lack of fear to criticise and parody him. It gives me hope that impeachment is not far behind.

I still firmly believe that down the line Trump will have/invent a “serious medical incident” and have to stand down when he is sick of being the CIC

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

Made in China? But isn’t Trump gonna bring jobs to America?

This is going to keep happening until Americans stop seeing illegal immigrants as less than, no matter how many crimes they’ve committed or how much of a threat they pose. As an immigrant (though not illegal, the sentiment is the same) I can assure you the overwhelming majority of us comes with hopes of having a

We’re sending out the very hard-working people who are busy keeping America great

not only that but what happens to her kids? it says she was married but is that the children’s father? there are a lot of kids who are citizens and their parents get deported... and guess what? they end up in the foster care system, which in itself is a really huge ethical, moral issue, but COSTS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS

It’s going to result in taking people out of their communities where they work and pay taxes to put them in taxpayer funded detention centers indefinitely. Oh and what happens when you make 2 parent families into one parent families? Let’s see the remaining parent may be forced to rely on government assistance

That your parents made for you, out of desperation.

Imagine being uprooted from your family for life because of a decision you made out of desperation 20 years ago.

“Nevertheless, she persisted” is pretty much the perfect slogan for womankind.


“She was warned. She was given an mansplanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”