
This whole thing is sickening. That migrant caravan doesn’t require soldiers to respond to its arrival. They need to go home to their families.

He will continue to get away with this nonsense because a large portion of his base views California as the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and believe it should all just go up in flames or fall into the Pacific. You can be sure he wouldn’t say something like this about a southern or midwestern state after a hurricane

Congressman Ted Lieu replied to the Asshole in Chief that, in fact, 98% of forest land in California is federally owned, and that Trump was the person who cut funding to the Forest Service, so any “mismanagement” lies on Trump’s head. Ted Lieu is the ultimate trump twitter troll. Also, the local news reported that

So, my mother’s sorority roommate’s daughter got married this past summer in the ritziest and most canned sequence of events I’ve ever attended. The bride is in her late 30s and wanted A Wedding (tm). Her parents are divorced and her mother spends every penny of her alimony trying to keep up with her former lifestyle-

My point, which I guess is incredibly difficult to understand, is that there will always be groups that are excluded. If there isn’t a gay person, people freak out, if there isn’t a black person, people freak out, tall, short, fat, skinny, disabled, trans, etc etc. Everything in society is an insult these days it

Are you being judgmental towards NWH for being judgmental? LOL

I haven’t been to any weird bridal showers per se, but the most recent shower I went to was organized by one of the bride’s roommates. Said roommate demanded everyone pay attention to her and did not stop talking about herself for 45 minutes. Topics included going on a rant about her recent break up as well as giving

My SIL’s shower has hands down become a family legend. Brunch theme, hired an omelette man caterer to come and, as you guessed, make omelettes on demand to people’s orders. One of the grandmothers brought out her lovely crystal wine glasses to use for mimosas. Omelette man arrives with an assistant-it’s a young guy

I would rather eat delicious fancy-ass cheese now than see my 90th birthday. Idgaf.

We tried being U.K. Didn’t take.

There are sex clubs and bath houses where you could easily have sex with multiple people in a minimum amount of time.

I find pretty strange that they are only after Mexicans, not a single Russian, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, etc...

I’m a former EMT, I worked with police frequently. I can confirm your suspicion (at least about police). For every good cop who wants to do the right thing there are two cops on a power trip and one just this side of serial killer.

The “Screw you I got mine” mentality drives me nuts.


Yep. She talks frequently about guys who can’t distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses of force. Guys who lack the cognitive skills to know how to de-escalate situations. Guys who want to be policemen in their hometowns to show all those people who picked on them that they’re real men. It’s a real good

And they dehumanize the people they deal with. That’s why people like 45 calling Mexicans rapists, it’s going to confirm that feeling that these people are less than human.

Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!

Well. This surely seems like it’ll make us safer! Definitely won’t prevent vulnerable people from going to the police to report crimes, or offer to be witnesses.