Hillary should just bring a family size bag of Cheetos and sit it in the front row.
Hillary should just bring a family size bag of Cheetos and sit it in the front row.
What happened to you was worse. Much worse.
This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?
You claim rape and instead of pressing charges you file a civil suit for 21 million dollars 2 years after the fact?? She’s a lying gold digger, and she makes real victims of sexual assualt look bad, can’t believe the court is even entertaining this non sense
If a cat is on top of a dam, I would definitely assume it would get wet from the spray.
i actually think the texts do imply ‘i’m about to get rich.’ she mentions the trial and mentions what she’ll do with the money in the same sentence... during a conversation about money. if the text conversation was about rape, or PTSD, or how she was feeling maybe i wouldn’t be so cynical.
I’m pretty sure i’d be charged with contempt of court from laughing every time I heard an attorney read this line out loud.
This bums me out. It makes me feel bad for all the people that really are victims of sexual assault.
Not at all.
This doesn’t look good for her, right?
It seems like there MAY have been a sexual assault, or maybe Jane Doe just decided that she’d have sex with Rose and his friends then cry rape later. For the sake of future rape victims, I hope this isn’t the case. But based on the text message that was leaked to Baller Alert, she absolutely comes off as a gold…
Especially considering the article I just read... fuck rose for getting mixed up with a woman who needed a new tv and couch that badly. Only IKEA employees for you from now on, derrick!
holy fucking god. this whole thing is such a mess. as a Knicks fan it’s embarrassing to see, and it’s simply inexcusable that Rose was acquired with such horrible things surrounding him.
I am in no way blaming the victim here, but I’ve long held that if I were a judge or prosecutor in Mexico I wouldn’t even answer the door without a check of the security cameras, a bodyguard and a bullet resistant vest. Jogging alone seems kinda insane to me. (OK, jogging seems insane to me in general, but still...)
Holy fuck. I hate when Judges get killed. To me, it’s like killing the whole concept of justice. My sympathies to the Judge’s family and to Mexico. This is seriously terrible.
Ladies: here’s my situation. I have never been able to tolerate hormonal BC. I think it’s to do with my history of depression, anxiety, and maybe my borderline personality disorder. BC didn’t give me these things, but the hormones in it make me a rage mister of waaaaaay too many EMOTIONS. So, following an abortion a…
Birth control is kind of like Yelp reviews — you hear less feedback from people with good experiences. I haven’t read the studies linked in the article but it seems like research on this is split.
I only realized that a form of low hormonal oral BC had made me depressed once I stopped taking it. A tremendous weight had been lifted. It was amazing. I switched to the Mirena and the depression did not return.
If D Rose turns out to be some criminal kingpin who has people killed to silence testimony and keep evidence secret and nevers plays one minute for the Knicks, trading for him is still a better move than the Bargnani deal.