
As someone who was at home during a home invasion, tied up, stuffed in my closet and threatened to be killed if the pin # for my debit card didn’t work, this is one of the few times I can sympathize with what a Kardasian is going through. Whatever your view on Kim and her family and how they do business, no one

I have friends whose parents paid for college, a wedding and a 20% down payment on a house. They are so lucky I can’t even process my feelings about it.

I would be the best American ever if I had no student loans. I’d buy the house with the picket fence (or a house I could afford) and raise my 2.4 kids to be job creating entrepreneurs. Seriously. My husband would love to teach high school science, but we can’t afford to lose his current salary so...sorry kids-no mega

I’m still paying off my student loans 20 years after getting my MBA at UofMaryland, a public uni.

I can’t even imagine a life without student debt. It would open up so very much for me and most of my friends and contemporaries.

He killed the innocence in my heart

This kinda shit makes me rageeeeee. I just listened to a podcast about a case in Ohio where a woman was charged with reckless homicide and aggravated vehicular homicide after attempting to flee from her abusive husband with her daughters— he held onto the car to try and prevent her from leaving and she accidentally

Did Lochte kill someone? Last I had heard he was basically drunk and disorderly and filed a false report (whatever Brazil’s version of those charges is).

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

Weeelllllllll... The reason charges were brought is because she shot him while he was sleeping, so premeditation is key there. I think it’s pretty clear she tried everything she could before she came to the conclusion that killing the guy was her family’s only way out. We have laws, vengeance isn’t the answer, can’t

I was so happy to read this headline on twitter this morning. Fuck backpage and fuck these guys. I spent months searching for my teenage cousin who was abducted, scoured the pages of that filthy fucking dirty site completely horrified by the children on there, worked with sex workers (who were helping me) up and down

If this is how it is, then Craigslist execs need to be arrested and charged with the same thing. Also, every newspaper owner who has ever allowed ads for “escorting”. Also, the companies that sell the Yellow Pages as well for their escorting ads. Now admittedly you don’t see those much anymore, but they used to be

It really doesn’t matter how much her jewelry is valued at though. Robbery is robbery - and I’d be upset for you if someone stole your Casio watch, Bobby. I’m sure it has sentimental value, much like Kim’s engagement ring.

I have several old cookbooks, and it’s amazing to me how the concept of nutrition has changed. I’m not saying they had food all figured he thirties or fifties (they did not), but they had this concept of “wholesome” food and seeing food as energy. There’s this one cookbook I have with candy making recipes, and it

I mean, dairy is a #1 cause of acne (assuming you’ve tried the normal face washing, pillow case changing, hair off face routine). I had horrible cystic acne and going dairy (and gluten) free completely got rid of it. Night and day. This gets ignored because most white people are lactose tolerant, but the rest of us

I have at least a dozen friends who have food issues - like gluten intolerance (they don’t have celiac), lactose intolerance, or they cut out whole food groups, do cleanses and juices, are vegan, orthorexic or borderline so. I have an autoimmune disease and some other health concerns and they always try to force

Totally this. I think in my lowest moments I was baking a ton (but all vegan, cause you know, look at me and these cows I’m saving?) and pushing it on everyone. Somehow it makes you feel like you have a more normal relationship with food, and that people won’t suspect you, and that you can get your compulsions out. It

Anorexics are often feeders. I had a couple of coworkers with an ED (yes, working in fashion comes with its cliches) and they would bake cakes or buy loads of sweets and cookies and almost force them on us.

I’m terrified that my son will develop my eating disorder. The other day he told me that he was feeling stressed so he ate a bunch of something I had already told him he couldn’t have. He’s 7. We had to sit down and have a very frank conversation about feelings and food.