
BRETT IS A GIRLS NAME?! Honestly America, this shit has to stop. Dudes are called Whitney, Lindsay... get your shit together America. I haven’t seen the documentary yet, but upon reading the transcription above I really thought that Amanda Knox was talking to her gay best friend.

Nah, the best part is when the Italian lawyer derisively speaks of the American media trying to teach him law, and says that in 1308, there was a law school in Italy, while in 1308, in America, people were drawing bisons on cave walls.

Does anyone feel like nobody really gives Meredith Kercher a second thought even those reporting on/investigating this case. This friend’s phone call is just a prime example. It didn’t even seem like the prime focus on prosecuting Amanda was because of the murder but more “look at this demonic sex-crazed whore.”

Come on, Amanda, people are murdered every day. But how often does a girl get a hot Italian boyfriend? Exactly.

In a really, really dumb way. And also - sorry, you don’t have to be besties to have a bit of a more appropriate reaction to someone’s roommate being brutally murdered.

“Think of the stories you’ll be able to tell! Brittany went to Africa and lived in a hut but she can’t top a murder-mystery in your own apartment!”

Brett: Aw, honey! Don’t worry about it. Remember, when that happens, go, “Wait. I’m in Italy. And I’m with Raffaele. And I’m 20. And I’m gonna look back on this year as the best year of my life.”

I had heard from others that you should send the baby to the nursery while you can, because you won’t get rest when you get home. We did, and the super judgey looks we got from the nurses were frightening. Alas, because we were also bottle-feeding we were the least popular couple in the place. Cold, cold, reception.

My God, this should be a front burner issue during elections! I cannot deal with this at all. This is a life saving procedure, it is a necessary procedure you shouldn’t pay a damn penny. I can’t cope with the fact that any one pays anything for medically required care. Can’t. Fucking. Deal. This should be an issue

And yet in Canada C-sections average around $5K... What unique and special and very very expensive procedures and tools are in use in the US that merit that astronomical cost??

I’m sorry that’s criminal. $800 PER NIGHT to use some linens and a bassinet?? Were they made of fucking angel hair and unicorn droppings??

I found out in high school that my birthday, the one I celebrate, the one on my birth certificate, is not my birthday. I was born literally seconds before midnight (i.e. 11:59 PM on a Wednesday), but because that would have meant my parents getting billed for my stay/care in the hospital for the entire day of

Jesus 😳

To this day, I’m stricken with envy by my mom’s week-long hospital stays. Meals in bed and highly trained professionals to help look after the newborn? Yes, please. I’ll never forget coming home with my second child, 36 hours after giving birth, to a screaming toddler, a sink full of dishes, and the laundry I’d

That should be fucking illegal.

It is possible to have humans stay in the same room but not in the same bed. Like having a dogbed at the foot of the bed, except instead of a cushion for your loyal companion it’s a crib for a baby who will not appreciate it. Also, it is probably off to the side.

No, actually you don’t. The Canadian tax brackets are the same as the US ones.

This is actually the most interesting comment I’ve seen, and I was moved to google it. Adjusted for inflation, it would be $714.04 in today’s dollars.

This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.

Nick Pisa is disgusting. He didn’t give a fuck about the girl who died or the lives of people he ruined. He was just focused on talking about how great it felt to churn out trashy headlines after another. It was terrifying to see how he lacked a conscience. And the whole thing was just fabricated through sexism. “Oh,