
This is the face of a man who’s on something a little stronger than marijuana already.

I really wish I got into pot. The few times I’ve tried it I get so paranoid that it’s not fun for me or anyone around me.    

As a white Nashvillian, I can assure that most things are!

This is the face of a man who’s on a government registry or two.

I am already avoiding my conservative coworkers because I cannot engage with them today since the conversation will turn to “terrorism”.

The only reason that this “terrorize” me is because of the impact it may have on the election. 


Tejano is cool. I like that. For Puerto Ricans, we also use Boricua which has Taino roots.

And see, I hate the term hispanic. For one thing, my family is Mexican. Hispanic originally referred to Hispania. We aren’t Spanish. It’s more contemporary usage is basically meaningless. Not only am I not in community with all Spanish-speaking people, there are plenty of people in my community for whom Spanish is a

If I see a raggedy vintage pickaninny doll for sale at a country flea-market, I’m not really offended. If I see a brand-new with tags hand stitched one, I’m pissed off. She’s kinda like that vis-a-vis old folks using the term oriental versus a brand-new printed menu. She even admits it’s a weird thing to be slightly

There are exemptions per the link you provided:

This sounds too much like conservatives telling me they shouldn’t have to pay for my birth control because is a choice. It’s all about taxes and what is done with them.

We have that now, but you have to fight for it and be willing to sue the hell out of, what will be, your former employer.

Absolutely! My friend just called me crying. She’s a newly single Mom with one 2 year old child. She lives in Vancouver. The basic not so great daycare she found (after scouring the city for weeks and nearly got fired for missing so much time at work while searching) is going to cost her $1500/month. That’s exactly

Don’t you know, you not only CAN have it all, you SHOULD have it all.

I would settle for keeping my job when I dare take a few days off to give birth.

I’m just straight up not having children. Luckily I don’t want them.

I’m really struggling with this right now- do I lean in? Lean way the hell out? It seems like the options for women are shit, shit, and more shit.

One solution: Universal childcare, like what they do in France.