
It's not owned by them. The burial space is about half a mile north of the reservation's boundary. The tribe technically does not have rights to it. That is likely because the burial site could have been "lost" and was not included in the parameters of the reservation when it was originally drawn up, and could have

The tribe wasn’t even asking for they to do that, just yet. They were asking for a chance to conduct in-depth studies to determine what exactly is at the site (how many remains, artifacts, etc.) - THEN come up with options. And yes, there are options - preserving the site, re-interment elsewhere, etc. People believe

They were hoping to divert through Brooklyn, but didn’t want have to hear Ms. Dunham whine about it.

They did this on a reservation legally owned and governed by the Sioux? Not that I’d expect the Federal Government to break their streak of failing to honor a single treaty with various Native American tribes, but I thought reservations were at least some space of dignity and autonomy for Native Americans. Just

That was my thought, too. There probably wouldn’t be many existing structures to work around, either, because...North Dakota.

Is the engineering so challenging that they couldn’t just go around it?

I shit you not I had enough left over notebooks and loose leaf paper to get me through all of undergrad. With the exception of overpriced engineering paper, USB drives, three ring binders and new pencil erasers, I didn’t need to buy ANYTHING during college. I had so many left overs from our required shopping lists for

I live in a red state, where it is expected to be over 90 degrees every day this week. Buying corduroys and sweaters for “back to school” makes no sense here.

I know it’s cliche, but I try to fit in at least 30min of exercise a day, and it helps my stress immensely. Especially high-intensity stuff like running stairs or kettlebell swings—can be done in 25min and I am dripping in sweat and flying high with endorphins! I work long shifts and have worked a ton of overtime this

So... I’m definitely being ghosted and I’m way more upset than I guess I thought I’d be. I was going to go into this big long thing about the whole history but it doesn’t really seem worth it.

Actually, even with all the rhetoric coming from the nativist right, the fact that we allow undocumented immigrants to work and live here makes our immigration system, with all its flaws, worlds better than that of Japan, Mexico, France, England, and a hundred other countries.

Reading Fauziya Kausinga’s memoirs in college really opened my eyes to the plight of illegal aliens. We treat people who’s only crime is existing as if they ran into traffic naked firing shotguns into the crowd at random and peeing on babies while high on crack. Actually, I can imagine that guy as a DC supervillain.

Every person I know like this has parents who are richer than God. Who has time for a job when there are organic co-ops that need haunting?

25-30 pounds of fruit a day? How much does is that costing him? In money and in time? It seems like you would spend all your time either eating fruit or sitting on the can.

Did you meet my brother? Because this sounds like my brother.

I have met a real life fruitarian (although I’m pretty sure he pronounced it “fruitatarian” and dude was NUTS. He’d walk around in little short shorts with no shirt on and often shoeless, big wild crazy hair (very new age/hippy vibes) and would go on and on about how amazing his diet is and how much fruit he eats. I’m

Rural Southern California is scary. And I’m from rural Appalachia so that’s saying something.

Counterpoint: is the perfect place to stop for InNOut between Vegas and LA/SoCal

Having 20 kids would be uninhabitable for me too. I'm glad they saved those poor women from such cruel conditions.

Victorville is a shithole. Was there for work last week and had to cut short filling my gas tank because I felt my personal safety was at risk at the station. It’s in the high desert where there’s lots of land and space to do whatever the fuck you want without people knowing. I know situations like this exist but it