I’m pretty sure livers can’t have mental problems ;-)
I’m pretty sure livers can’t have mental problems ;-)
Precisely. For many victims of abuse, there appears to be no way out. The complex dynamics of such relationships are hard fro people to understand and people don’t think about intervening because they think victims are choosing to stay with their abuser when often they don’t feel like they have a choice!
I'm all for organ donation, but I also feel like I wouldn't want bargain bin organs from a complete psychopath. *shrug*
Kevin Ewing had a documented and extremely violent history of abuse towards his wife, whom he’d reportedly been with since the two were in eighth grade.
I’m sick and tired of demonstrably, dangerously violent criminals being allowed to keep their guns.
And then they let the organs rot so no one else has to live with his filthy body parts.
Of course not. He is her delicate baby boy.
“before handing his mother the ankle bracelet that he had cut off”
I really hope this sick fuck’s family opts to donate his organs.
Why the fuck was he released from jail? He had just kidnapped her, assaulted her and a judge decides it a-ok to let him out with an ankle bracelet?
I remain completely sick and fucking tired of men with guns who cannot take NO for an answer.
Locked Up Abroad is my nightmare and I will never do anything illegal while travelling. Not that I do illegal stuff anyway, but for sure then. No I’m not holding your little baggie of weed, gtfoh.
I cant figure out who is photobombing her photo. And now that I think of it, SHE is photobombing the breakdancer’s photo. Bitch.
the disgrace was the families suing in the first place. Just because a few people on comment boards and social media feel bad doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want legally. They hired ambulance chasing lawyers, turned down a hefty generous settlement offer, and then lost on it. PR? Fuck that. Don’t file…
Cinnemark might not enforce the order, given that they’re going to be receiving a lot of bad press. The company makes upward of 2 billion a year, so they can certainly swallow the cost of their legal representation. It’s possible they wanted the judge’s order on record to deter similar sorts of lawsuits painting…
I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s…
I understand why, legally, they are required to pay. It’s sound law and 99 times out of 100 it serves a good purpose.
Welcome to Moe's!
Do you have any you can share? :D
Or reimbursement of stolen wages?