
You’re not a loser for working on your career goals instead of partying it up. No matter your age. Your semester sounds very busy, and quite impressive. Remember to take care of yourself (snacks, water, rest, stretching, short walks, funny movies) and I’m sure you’ll do fine. If it’s too much you can do a little less

I paid off all of my unsubsidized school loans this week! Just cut my load in half and I haven't graduate college yet. Feeling really good about that!

Didn’t the story say “retrieved with a helicopter”?

This was my thought, and then I questioned my knowledge of American geography.

Pfft. To most men, EVERYTHING — life itself — is a penis competition.

His insta is so cheesy tho, I love it.

No one’s happier than Aubrey Graham this morning. He got acknowledged:

Yeah, I got that a few times when I was younger: “where did you learn how to do THAT?” I don’t know, at the whorehouse where I was working when you picked me? Fuck you.

Is there something legitimately bad about Drake? I’ll say it- Drake is a catch. Somebody ought to snap him up.

Like, if you s—k d—k too good the first time, guys will be like, ‘Mmm I can’t make a wife of her because she s—ks d—k too good

My favourite thing anyone’s every said about Drake:

I sincerely appreciate what Amber Rose is doing for women, which I personally think is a lot. This paragraph is absolute truth:

OMG seriously. It’s so rich that a man would have “hygienic” concerns about a woman’s attire. Like, first of all, you know nothing about female anatomy and what does/doesn’t create hygiene issues; second of all, 90% of men are 100% gross.

Oh, so public humiliation isn’t the best way to help immigrants assimilate? Huh, who knew.

You gotta fuck while the lasagna is in the oven. That is the best and most efficient way to do it.

Yup, I’m in Texas and some of these folks...who seem otherwise to be of at least average intelligence...have to use batsh!t crazy twisted logic in order to explain how everything is the fault of the damned libruls.

The mental disconnect is unreal. When fucking Ted Cruz and his cronies shut down the government a few years ago, my cousin (who lives in his district and loooooves him) ranted on FB about how this was all very necessary to stop Obamacare, which would be the DEATH of us all. Four days later, public opinion has firmly

For some reason, only Fox News works on our TV in the breakroom at my work. So my lunch break consists of eating food and trying to decide if I should yell/laugh/cry at the mental gymnastics as they try to push Trump as amazing and Hillary as horrible.

Watching the correspondents try to talk about Trump like he is an actual viable candidate is one of my new favorite games. They are expected to act like this is a real thing that is happening and yet you can see that they just want to laugh hysterically and:or cry on a corner.

I am one of the unfortunate who had to deal with the traffic ordeals this morherfucker caused today. I deserve to be un-greyed. Yes, I know I have a burner but someone got my other account banned. Boooooo