
Listen, I think people are giving her undeserved shit for that. She did complete a certificate from Harvard. I mean, the only reason people go to Harvard is to say they went to Harvard, so she is doing exactly what everyone else does. What is wrong with her advertising her credentials? She isn’t claiming to have a

Make damn sure you’re not late for Tyra’s class!

The kind of person who shells out 100 stacks for a Stanford MBA is precisely the kind of asshole who deserves to be humiliated by Tyra Banks.

co-teaching a brief class

And if a woman is wearing a t-shirt and pants on the beach, will she be forced to change into a bikini? This is complete fucking garbage. And the ‘burkini’ isn’t religious wear. It’s just an article of clothing women can wear if they don’t want to wear a revealing bathing suit. I’ve seen plenty of women who aren’t

Blinded by starbucks cups and anti gay pizzas sadly. How many of them donated to hate vs homeless shelters, I wonder?

If Donald Trump wants to make the city streets safer, he and Dr. Carson should stay off of them.

They didn’t waste cheese in the days of Adam and Edam.

I guess it’s cheddar than letting it all go to waste.


I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. PCOS is an absolute bitch.

My parents were like this too. Maybe not quite to this degree but I remember my mom sobbing in the car and saying, when I was around 7 or 8, that she wished my dad would just hit her so she would have a reason to leave. :( He had a very bad temper which has calmed down entirely in the last ten years, seriously he’s

There is always at least one if not two days of utter silence during which I figure out in my head the cost of redecorating room by room after I toss his ass out once we get home.

Don't forget to pencil on Spring Break, some families go hard for that.

Your house sounds like it was fun.

Holidays are the reason my parents would never get divorced. They’d be like, “Fuck this shit, we’re out!” and my evil brother and I would high-five but then my angelic blond haired brother would sob, “What about Chriiiisssssstmasssssss?!” and my parents would whisper to each other, “Okay, after Christmas then” and

Family attorney and I can confirm this. I am slammed from March until around mid October and then I have next to nothing to do Nov-Feb bc people are holding out for the holidays to end. Its a nice time to be slow with work, though.