Considering Martin Grease Weasel and his folk can actually do crap that they do and the fact that a Epipen is $500 someone should really be doing something. Since the the other option is suffering and death it’s ridiculous.
Considering Martin Grease Weasel and his folk can actually do crap that they do and the fact that a Epipen is $500 someone should really be doing something. Since the the other option is suffering and death it’s ridiculous.
Why the fuck is health care an INDUSTRY in the first place??? I know, America, capitalism, profits etc. but wtf!!! No way to reconcile care and the best interests of a human being with the bottom line. Ffs.
I am hoping that this is one step of many in forcing a conversation to a single payer system.
If only there was model the US could work off of that would allow affordable health care for all that would not be subject to the whims of the marketplace and private corporations bottom lines. But alas, who can conceive of such a thing.....
My husband and I were astounded when we were in Sweden this summer that TGI Friday’s is a legit fancy restaurant there. Even his Swedish relatives concurred that it was considered a bit ‘posh.’ There are two TGI Friday’s in downtown Stockholm that legit have a bouncer and thumping electronic music at night. It’s quite…
God bless Waffle House. There is a reason the term ‘Waffle House story’ exists.
So long Waffle House doesn’t give up its aesthetic of half-burnt out 25w bulb lighting and how everything vaguely feels like it has a thin layer of congealed grease on it.
What amuses me the most about the Clinton scaremongering is that it’s coming from people who absolutely worship Ronald Reagan, who really did suffer from a neurological condition (alzheimer’s) while in office and hide it from the public. I’m sure every single of one these people would retroactively defend Reagan’s…
Late stage syphilis
Jackline Mwende, 27, says she was counseled by her pastor to try to save her marriage, despite escalating abuse.
Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes
In nine months or less, it will have two.
Two now. Sorry, pal.
I forgot to get ice cream and cones on the way home tonight for my pregnant wife. The petition to replace me has one signature so far.
Well, here I sit in my house in New Orleans, which is bone dry because this is not happening in New Orleans. But it has given an opportunity to the few people who agree with you to come out of the woodwork and repeat these tired pronouncements from ten years ago.
Nope. Nope nope nope. People live where they live, many of them in geographically vulnerable areas. How much of California is sitting on a fault line? How many people live in coastal zones? How many live in places prone to tornadoes, or drought? Nowhere is safe from natural disaster. New Orleans is a gorgeous,…
I lost my house to a flood 15 months ago. I’m still displaced and probably won’t be going home for another year. I’ll still be home before 80% of my neighbors.
New Orleans is dry, the area being flood now is not the same area that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. What’s flooding now is lots of places that sheltered people who fled NOLA after Katrina hit.