
Did you see that woman push his head down to get that dog?...bitch, no. The fucking nerve.

Rescued the woman? Check. Got the dog? Check. Looked super hot while doing so? Check check check. I mean, goddamn, look at those cheekbones. Someone give this kid a tv show.

Ummm. Wow, that guy is CUTE.

>“No, she better not be,” the woman said, giving Phung no real choice but to plunge back down and try again.<

1. “She better not be” is the most Pass/agg shit ever pulled.

IOC spokesman (pictured); ‘ didn’t happen, everything’s fine.’

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

I would fucking kill a co-worker to have my own printer. No more awkward lingering in the printing room while I wait for my 200 sheets of paper. No more uncomfortable small talk with that guy who is technically in your department but you only see in the printer room.

It was until I got to this part:

Flashback to every time we ever tried to list the hateful shite my dad would spout when pissed out of his gourd. You know Depp never bothered to watch this and learn from his fucking mistakes. This is going to be spun as her trying to “incite” him, I imagine.

Everyone is sharing how bad it is when a coworker steals food but you know what is worse? When you have a coworker that regularly puts her delicious restaurant lunch leftovers in the fridge and they’re so much better than your shitty salad from home and you want them so much and then she DOESNT EVEN EAT them and they

I am way more interested to find out what happens to the nurses involved!

This is what happened to Rosemary Kennedy. Her mother was in labor and the doctor wasn’t there, so the nurse held the baby inside of her for TWO HOURS until he got there, and Rosemary suffered brain damage. Then, of course, when she was a teenager, her piece of shit, hope-he’s-rotting-in-hell, fuckface dipshit father

I went through a not-too-terribly-challenging EMT course, and learned not to do this.

I never had a kid, my friends don’t have babies, but I am going out on a limb and say that pushing the baby back in isn’t normal.

I’m guessing they wanted to wait for the doctor for some reason. I’m shocked that a doctor wasn’t able to be found within 6 minutes, since it’s not like it’s super surprising that a baby is coming after pushing. My midwife and nurse were there for the whole hour of pushing, and I’m fairly certain a backup OB was there

I am newly pregnant with our 1st (after years of trying) and this was exactly the kind of article I should be avoiding.

No. NO. Why? Literally when in obstetric nursing would you ever PUSH the baby BACK IN?!

When I was in labor, my nurse told me to try to hold it in, because she hadn’t “caught” in years, and my doctor was in a C-Section. But she was joking. I can’t fathom why anyone would do this.

No, it is absolutely not normal, hence the $16 million verdict. That shit is definitely malpractice.