
In the case of the Senate, this is a problem of structure. The 52 Republicans who “control” the Senate represent 35 million fewer people than the 48 in the minority.

Let’s not exaggerate. Republicans have won the popular vote exactly one time in 25 years (Bush 2004).

I never understood why people hate the idea of bullet trains so much when their main purpose would be to compete with airlines.

The existence of Eric Garland does not make Glenn “Trump is Going to be a Non-interventionist President” Greenwald worth anything but another appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show as a leftist who conservatives can like.

Hahahahahahaha no.

Eh, not a fan these days. His schtick lately has been to comb twitter for the worst takes and offer it as proof of a hysterical, monolithic response from American liberals on whatever is pissing him off that day. He also tweets things that are quickly disproven (Chelsea lifetime achievement award, that nonsense

The older I get the more I realize that was just old people fucking with us because they knew they could.

That isn’t what actually happened. You have been lied to.

And Haim Saban should leave the party. He’s a bigot and an awful human being. If you think they solely ran Perez to save Saban, well....that’s your theory along with Glenn, TYT, and some others. But you also refused to answer my questions as you said there was no merit to my second and third paragraphs (where I

I suppose that we ought to ignore the fact that Perez and Ellison themselves have tweeted that they are friends? Ignore the fact that they have been photographed out having dinner (which TYT tried to turn into some scandal)? Ignore that their records are fairly similar and that Perez also had some hefty union support

Yeah, sure my Black/Arab/Berber ass who voted for Bernie in the primary is a “Clintonite Corporatist.” Never mind that I wrote that I originally supported Pete or Keith before Tom...but how dare I say Tom is a also a good person and will do a good job. Never mind the fact that I pounded the pavement for Bernie during

Keith’s face is probably in reaction to several of his supporters screaming about “corporations” at Perez when he won. They were so loud they drowned out everyone else. I’m sure he was also disappointed, but he seemed annoyed as fuck with them. Keith also very strongly said “we can’t afford to walk out of here

He’s gracious but i’m sure he wanted this.

I do not believe that Ellison is lying to us or otherwise being dishonest. Your prerogative if you wish to think that.

The two men are united, and both wasted no time saying so. One would think we could follow their lead!

By...picking a DNC chair that’s near-identical to another DNC candidate? JFC this division is getting rediculous. “My guy says he’ll raise min wage by $10, and the other guy will only raise it by $9.50! CORRUPT RIGGED BERN IT TO THE GROUND!” Jeezy creezy.

To be frank, I too wished the game was good, but beyond the problems addressed in article, it’s plagued with so many technical issues (including easily fixable and frequent typos) that recommending it even as an attempt felt wrong as a critic. Furthermore, as a critic I can’t write about what something hopes to do or

Are you forgetting about the 2000 election ? Or were you too young at the time to understand what happened then ?

If the GOP had proportional allocation of delegates the same ways Dems have, he never would have gotten out of the primaries.

I hope Pareene apologizes to you ladies daily for his bullshit “don’t vote” recommendation.