
You’re preaching to the choir, my friend.

In the U.S., the states pick the president. Each state gets a certain number of electoral votes based on its population. Whichever candidate wins a state wins those votes.

Yep. It’s hard to imagine other liberal democracies letting these massive electrical problems fester. But we just don’t seem to have the will or the path to addressing them.

It is worse. Hell, there’s still a chance that Brexit doesn’t happen if Parliament can’t be convinced to go along with it. But we’re stuck with Trump.

To be fair, there is a chance that these early exit polls are incorrect. They’re still counting votes in California, for one. We need to wait before we get some real demographic data we can work with.

I don’t know the answer to this anymore. It’s common for people to point to polls showing Sanders beating Trump. But the polls also showed Clinton beating Trump and they were all wrong.

And she won the popular vote.

It does depend on who you ask. But, I mean, it’s not like anyone is campaigning in Wyoming under the current system. Sure, they get three electoral votes, but we all know where they are headed.

I do love ranked voting, but the only states I can envision passing it are the states that are reliably blue anyway.

I don’t remember anyone saying the Electoral College was “fine” when Clinton was ahead. It wasn’t really an issue, because she was also shown to be winning the popular vote.

I know how the Electoral College works. But we’re not a loose confederation of semi-independent nations anymore. We’re one country, and the winner of this country’s popular vote is not the president.

I never said it was a conspiracy. Nor do I claim that this was a good election, and I agree that more must be done to reach out to these voters.

I agree with a lot of what you say. The thing is, were it not for the Electoral College, Clinton would be president now.

The problem is many, if not most, of Obama’s actions did have sound basis in law. So what then? We don’t have enough time to significantly change our laws.

Last night I had to have a long talk with my parents about likely voter screens, bad samples and other things that can screw up polls, because they were panicking about this one.

If you tell people what they want to hear, most will call you honest. It doesn’t matter whether what you say is truthful or not. That’s all that’s going on here. Trump is just particularly good at telling his rabid fans what they want to hear.

If those emails end up being duplicates, as many have suggested, then I hope we’ll stop blaming Clinton for not handing them over.

The fun thing about these predictions is that you can never be proven wrong. We will never know how well Sanders would do against Trump, because they will never run against each other. It is forever unfalsifiable. So everyone gets to cling to whatever their preconceived notion happens to be.

“You’re welcome.”