Gerrymandering makes it harder, but not impossible, to win the House.
Gerrymandering makes it harder, but not impossible, to win the House.
These people will never be satisfied, and it’s best the learn it now.
The Brexit polls were much closer than the U.S. Presidential polls. Leave was actually in the lead at points. Trump is not, by a long shot.
Every mention of Obama’s “record deportation levels” should probably have an asterisk next to it. Not that nuance matters on the internet...
While I don’t actually think this was an attempted vote-rigging conspiracy, it would be hilarious if Russia’s secret plan to elect Trump failed because they misunderstood American politics and tried to rig the election in a bunch of red states.
No kidding. I think the angriest display Clinton has ever put on in public has been... mild-to-moderate exasperation.
Honestly, even if she were a man and could be more aggressive, I’m not sure if that’s the right tack against Trump. This is how all his GOP candidates made themselves look foolish. The key to Trump is to let him get worked up and sound like a fool. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake, which Trump…
It’s definitely been her greatest strength in these debates.
Too bad Sanders is leaving the Senate this year and won’t be able to influence legislation going forward. Oh wait...
It’s funny to watch this and then go on Twitter and see leftist dudes insist that Trump is actually an anti-interventionist.
It’s worse than that. He thinks being president will be easy because he thinks he’s a genius who will fix everything easily.
True, though by the time you get out to Amherst the people start getting liberal again. It’s basically southern Vermont.
It’s pretty easy to imagine. You’ll have even third-rate world leaders outsmarting Trump and getting whatever they want. Unless they insult him and he decides to carpet bomb them the next morning.
That audience has been slowly dying off for a while now.
Yes. As someone who is pretty familiar with small-town Massachusetts government, I really want to emphasize that Stein’s experience in the Lexington Town Meeting in no way qualifies her to be the leader of the free world.
One of my favorite parts of this election has been watching some of my libertarian friends desperately try to rationalize Johnson because they can’t bring themselves to vote for anyone else.
None of this stuff is aimed at his supporters. It’s aimed at undecided voters.
All of them, probably.
As my dad says, “If you pay taxes, you’re making money.”
But she at least understands how the brackets work, right?