
No, no, the point of being a Republican is to keep the government from giving stuff to brown people. It’s fine if the government locks up brown people, or gives handouts to old white people. Not the lazy young white people, mind you - just the hard-working olds. That’s good governance.

But hear me out: If Americans of color are willing to put up with this for just four short years, in 2020 we can totally come back and create a progressive utopia!

I am deeply skeptical that Trump has the patience for more than five minutes of debate prep at a time. Even Roger Ailes can’t work miracles.

Johnson has always been a few cards short of a full deck. It’s only compared to Trump that he looks like a sane, reasonably intelligent person. And even then, he still insists on opening his mouth.

I can only assume that lefties who see no difference between Trump and Clinton have never heard of the Clean Power Plan.

This is a bad time to start pretending that presidents have no power.

At some point in the next four years there will be a minor brownout on the East Coast, and President Trump will launch a full-scale nuclear first strike because he knows, just *knows*, that the Chinese are attacking.

Trump continues to elevate gaslighting to an art form.

How is Hillary Clinton not destroying these people?

Trouble is that it’s easy to believe that Trump is lying and also easy to believe that he would totally do this.

It shouldn’t be radical. Honestly, it’s a better idea than cutting the tax.

Even calling the Lexington town meeting a “city council” equivalent is a stretch. Most city councils meet regularly, but New England town meetings only meet once or twice a year.

Stein’s only experience in elected office was a couple terms as a Lexington, MA Town Meeting Member. Not a position that carries much responsibility - and she basically only needed the votes of her friends and neighbors to get it.

Sorry Bee hurt your feelings.

We’re basically relying on voters of color to save white America from itself. Not that white America deserves to be saved. And this includes some of my left-wing white male friends who are convinced that there’s no significant difference between the two candidates.

So how much oil did we take from Iraq, anyway?

Kinda weird how we’re messing with South Sudan for oil when we produce so damn much of it in the U.S. right now.

I read that Slate article, and I also read this Daily Beast article, and I’m having a hard time figuring out which one is right.

Lots of paid apps have in-app purchases. Doesn’t make them bad. Lara Croft GO is a paid app that lets you purchase hints, but you can also figure out the puzzles yourself.

Bush always had a lot of charisma. That’s how he got elected.