
To be fair, I think there are a couple thousand people in the panel. But yeah, at this point undecided voters tend to be the least informed voters, so pretty much anything can swing them.

I think he’ll end up being calmer than usual during the debate. Not because of some long con, but just because Trump feeds off the emotions of the crowd, and there won’t be a rowdy crowd present.

The LA Times poll isn’t like most polls. Rather than take a random sampling, the LA Times assembled a panel of likely voters and polled them multiple times throughout the election season. The idea was to measure how often the same group of people might change their mind during a campaign.

Let’s be real, folks. If her father weren’t running, Ivanka would totally be voting Clinton this year.

The company essentially blames the exchange participants for being sicker than they expected. They want healthy members who won’t actually need the insurance they’re buying.

It took them days to figure it out, and when he paid the cash cost (which wasn’t that bad), everybody still billed him, not knowing he had paid in cash.

What’s a bit frustrating is that a lot of liberals seem to think that our only options are single-payer or the status quo. A lot of countries get excellent results with their regulated public-private systems. And something resembling those might be easier for us to achieve, both politically and logistically.

America is not the only first-world country where the private sector plays a role in health care. Just because our system is shitty doesn’t mean good public-private hybrids don’t exist.

Public option sounds pretty good right now.

I’ve got a few friends who work in textbook publishing, and it sounds like their companies are pushing digital pretty hard.

Ignore the trolls. Some people can’t accept that lengthy, complex books take a long time to write.

My dad was raised in a deeply Republican household. He voted for Bernie Sanders this year.

Maybe it was when those “goddamned hippies” started to suggest that it might be better to elect an actual fascist than suffer under four years of a conventional Democrat. Maybe that’s when the rest of us started to wonder what they really stood for.

I wonder if that's because Sanders had some pro-gun tendencies, which I don't believe Kaine shared.

If you voted for Joe Biden as VP, you backed someone who is personally pro-life.

He supported TPP (though my guess is that he may end up renouncing that) and he is personally pro-life (Catholic), though his voting record is pretty pro-choice. So yeah, he isn’t the single most progressive Democrat we have, but I think calling him a centrist is a little much. He seems pretty liberal on most of the

It’s hard to imagine Democrats taking back the Senate if Trump wins. Split-ticket voting is getting rarer.

Most presidential promises are “useless”, as you say. Most things presidential candidates say they want to do require votes in Congress. That doesn’t mean they serve no purpose. They indicate priorities.