Poll averages still show her ahead. Don’t let daily volatility get you down.
Poll averages still show her ahead. Don’t let daily volatility get you down.
*A* poll. He’s still behind in the polling averages, which are all that matter.
It sounds like her political views are largely driven by economic anxiety.
Textbook neoliberalism would be to let Puerto Rico default and wait for the free market to sort everything out.
I support Joe Biden for VP for life.
Brandon Sanderson is more machine than man.
Trump is not a short-term sacrifice. Trump is an extinction-level event.
Progressives always get disappointed with their darling after a few years. Whether or not there’s a good reason is beside the point.
Forgot to add the link to my first comment. Here’s the article with an overview: http://www.businessinsider.com/polls-trump-hi…
The one-fifth African-American support seems too high to me. Last poll I saw had Clinton winning 88 percent of AA vote and 68 percent of the Hispanic vote. That’s a little less than what Obama won in 2012, but not by much. And, of course, Clinton hasn’t officially won the primary yet. I suspect that when the final…
A guy as vindictive and thin-skinned as Trump could use the Justice Department in some pretty terrifying ways.
I didn’t realize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program was a social issue. And that’s just one example of a progressive health care program she championed. It’s weird how liberal critics of Clinton always forget about the times she did things that they support.
He should acknowledge that his constituents’ fears are overblown and move the prisoners anyway. They’re going to be in prison, not under house arrest.
The Administration wants to close it, but certain members of Congress (far too many, actually) are paranoid about the possibility of sending the inmates to prisons within the U.S. So Congress has continually voted to block funding for any Gitmo prison transfers.
Apparently, Sen. Roberts decided that this wasn’t…
Not to get too off topic, but if people are wondering why the Obama Administration has had such a difficult time trying to close Gitmo, Senators like Pat Roberts are the reason why.
Because a lot of voters are idiots who don’t realize that defense attorneys have important jobs. Or worse, they think people accused of certain crimes don’t deserve a defense.
Here’s an argument that this case probably won’t go anywhere in the long run: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/a-go…
“Defended an accused child rapist, then laughed about his lenient sentence.”
Obama poisoned a city now?