
It sucks, but it’s also not that hard to understand why it happens. Project+ is not an official Nintendo made product and promoting it to the public, such as in a tournament, falsely makes it seem like a Nintendo product. There are legitimate reasons to protect your companies IP.

and I don’t think any Muslims have gotten higher than the House of Representatives

I mean... I’m taking the refutation with a grain of salt too, but the fact that they actually commented on it is very out of the ordinary. I think this means Nintendo is actually being pretty transparent. It doesn’t rule out that the OLED is more profitable, but it may not be quite as profitable as cited by Bloomberg.

“Nowhere in the rules does it specifically say that a dog can’t play basketball.”

Sounds to me like Pitchford knew what the numbers were, and knew the bonuses wouldn’t match up to previous Borderlands releases, but he kept that to himself to keep crunching developers motivated by dreams of big payout at the end of the line.

God, this game is turning into such a shit show. I’m glad I only bought 2 copies. 

Could very well be that I missed something since I haven’t followed every detail here, but what did they lie about specifically?

I don’t disagree that the information is valuable. But I think it should be the publisher that is made to disclose it rather than the age rating people since in-game purchases that would change the age rating are disallowed on consoles. I don’t like shifting responsibility away from the responsible.

No idea if this is at least 800 pixels cos it’s on my phone, but ah well here ya go! 

Uhh, no. Why should I ignore the fact that all of the other buttons are shapes, not letters?

This is wrong. You can indeed just pick off right where you left off on either switch as long as you have cloud saves on. I share games with my friend, so I know. Just sign in to both switches with your account. There is one catch, however. The secondary switch will require wifi to play ANY game. I would reccomend

Lol at all parts of this. This is exact opposite of the developers growing a pair. They’re absolutely spineless. They put in some absolutely pathetic cringe-worthy 13yo level jokes, and then when there was some controversy, 100% flipped on themselves, and said they would pull it out. Then, when there was a louder

Great, now they'll patch it out since you made it so public. Thanks Kotaku!

I bet the laymen version will be “Make sure you’re talking a lot and not just streaming the game alone.”

It’s really a lot simpler than you’re making it out to be. There are two obvious most important factors to take into consideration for the match-maker. I couldn’t care less if it were 2 or 3 stocks, if it were Omega or Battlefield or even a hazard stage. The ONLY two that matter that should NOT just be left to

It would’ve taken you just five seconds to Google it yourself.

“Get a First Amendment, losers.”

2hr parking is so people running quick errands or going to a restaurant, meeting or whatever can find a spot.

This guy is avoiding paying maybe $100 a month to park his $100,000 minivan in the deck that is literally across the street from his office.

I keep a very short beard and honestly I think this is part of it. I never had the best skin so it helps to conceal some of that, plus add some masculinity. I’m sure I’m not alone.