
Some of the greatest television ever made featured Andre Braugher in the Box with someone. Not that you would know it from this review, but it sounds like this needs to be added to that list.

Break out the absorbent non-irritating shirt!

Absolutely, and it generally goes against the “if you can’t love yourself...” message. Love yourself, but know that your body is also a joke? At least big queens like Ginger and Latrice can control their narrative when they’re on the show.

I watched that right next to a larger friend of mine who had just finished telling me about how a random guy had made fun of her for being “fat and ugly” on the street today. I was not amused by Shangela.

The fatsuit thing was straight-up offensive, full stop. Because fat girls are so fucking funny, amirite?

I think the only smart thing Ru could do would be to have Season 10 be her farewell as the main host and just stick around as a kind of professor emeritus. For RPDR to survive it always needed to outgrow RuPaul since, let’s face it, a decade is long enough to do a TV show for and the wear is starting to show. I think

Superman calls out General Zod with this line at the Daily Planet, not the White House.