
And yet, the camerawork was astounding. And the production values equally so. Anyone who thought they were going to see Norm Lewis at a music stand was in for a shock.

Some of the greatest television ever made featured Andre Braugher in the Box with someone. Not that you would know it from this review, but it sounds like this needs to be added to that list.

Was SO hoping for Buddy Blank/OMAC references with the assembly-line Avas.

Yes, I’ve seen that floated. This isn’t very good Plas, either. But at least the powers and seediness match up with Eel O’Brien a little more. It’s just a shame that when they’re given a chance to use Ralph, they basically decide to write #NotRalph.

My apologies for being snotty about it. The guy just happens to my favorite character from back when I got into reading these years ago, and considering what else the CW has done with him, I’m not surprised for them getting it wrong.

The problem with making Ralph Dibny (I guess nobody at The AV Club bothers to check on those things, since we have to inform every reviewer new to the show how to spell his name) a self-centered jerk is how much it takes away from the established character, who IS goofy, child-like, and occasionally maddening, but

This particular episode was unbelievably stupid. No way in 1954 Memphis do Nate and Amaya kiss, dance, or anything without putting the whole team at risk. (Not to mention Wally and Zari. Wally in particular would be in extreme danger.)

Funny how many words Ru thinks he gets to rehabilitate that aren’t his at all.

Oh, Spyder. I was thinking that was a Black Widow reference... but I suppose she’s OAR? (Oft-ignored Avenger from Russia)

It probably isn’t, but, Lord, I want it to be Sue. If they aren’t going to use Iris’ comic backstory, might as well let Sue have it. And having Ralph thinking she isn’t his type at all is a pretty big lampshade.

You pretty much mangled how the character was created. It’s a sore point for Tony Isabella to claim that he had anything to do with “Black Bomber” (a totally bizarre concept that had a white racist turn black when he powered up). Isabella refused to have anything to do with Black Bomber, and created Lightning with

Padding, padding, and more padding. Did we really need reprises of already needless production numbers like “What it is to be a Wimp”? (And there was nothing in Bebe Rexha’s intro that wasn’t covered better in the ACTUAL opening number.) Giving Ralphie a crush on his teacher (she’s nice; in case he didn’t tell you

The only problem is, Mel’s funniest movie isn’t even in the top 20. The Producers never gets old.