
Ok, fine. You BOTH get to stand in the corner!

Pretty much. Friggin dumbasses

Not to mention the 4,6,8 9, 15, and 17 spots thanks to Marvel Studios, and the 12 and 13 slots from their OG Disney.

The only people who think Disney is screwing up the Star Wars business are fringe, weirdo, Star Wars uber-freaks—no offense to any fringe, weirdo, Star Wars uber-freaks present. Disney is raking in the dough and will continue to do so, which is all that matters to Fox when evaluating if Disney knows what they’re doing.

But currently, no headline we read is really making people say “fuck yeah, billionaires are great!”

Ugh. Please, no more MCU Jane. I still vote for Darcy.

“Gawrsh, Everyone is saying, Witch Hunt! hyuck”

Are you kidding me? The racist electorate of the USA elected Donald fucking Trump in response to him being in power 8 years. The same Donald fucking Trump that is now spending every waking moment undoing everything he did. And he abandoned his public?


It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Sandberg’s twitter account is pretty great. Seems like a good guy.

What, no mea culpa for being a fucking asshole based on YOUR not knowing the substance of what you were getting just SO outraged about?

“I’m banned here”

Real question, does anyone that writes for Earther regularly hunt and/or fish recreationally? If so, I’d love to know so I can read their work. If not, it would be a nice addition to the platform.

I still haven’t seen Jurassic World but seeing the trailer for the new one before Infinity War made me go home and delete it from my DVR.

The image of Bryce Howard riding a dinosaur makes me less enthusiastic for the next film, not more. That and the fact that the last movie was lame.

Kinda meh about DD season 3. The netflix shows have been getting worse with every season they put out. Legitimately the sequence of how good the shows are is the sequence of when they were released. Notable exception being Punisher, which really was rather good, but was kind of a spin-off, so I’m not really counting

Zazie Beetz revealed she’s mostly in the dark about the upcoming X-Force movie

Mocap every character and have Serkis in every role.