
There have been routers in every style, shape and size. We would’ve called it a router regardless.

Low hanging fruit/10

oh my GOD we missed out on an Iron Man Metroid Prime game!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s easy to say that when your expected release date looks like 2030 since all you have shown is a friggin controller at this point...

Not only did he run, but he could also end said run with a fucking clothesline and blasting the ever loving PISS out of you.

This remake (if done at LEAST equally right as RE2) is going to be one for the ages. It’s on my “top games to get a remake” wishlist, with good company like Crystalis, Def Jam Fight for New York,

A DT piece about finding gold under a rock?  Yes, please. All day.

I wanna know what kind of dirt Joe Buck has on the people who keep picking him to be the voice of their broadcasts because holy shit it must be fucking salacious 

Dropped it midway through S2.  Too much child nudity.

It would make sense with the huge gap delay in filming S5 of BCS. Gotta match up all these plot points!

yeah fuck that guy hes just mad a person with dwarfism has a bigger cock


theres a sex joke in there somewhere...

Much like how the NFL loves to broadcast the fines and penalties of any player that so much as spits on the field inappropriately, they too need to keep that same energy when it comes to holding each individual offic..c....BWAHAHAHAH I ALMOST MADE IT THROUGH HAHAHAA

(Fuck the NFL)


Shut up, wordy nigga.

This makes me smile.

While Steven Universe isn’t for me, I’m glad it is available for people it is for. I know a few people whose life became better after watching the show and all of its seasons.

Maybe one day, it’ll be for me too.

I’m surprised there isnt an article up on it yet

So, there IS a line to cross in comedy...

Kotaku kills another Nintendo based fan project in 3..2..

No boss ever had good intentions with starting a conversation with “We’re going to need you to be a team player on this”