
what's your next prediction?

Oh my god. Sadly, my first thought was that at least there was evidence afterwards, but...that doesn't make it any better. I still ended up in a male dominated field. When my employer organized a lecture specifically for women about leadership roles by women in leadership roles, my male office-mates complained. (I

I wish exam rooms had more reading material. So boring waiting for the doctor.

I loved 3-2-1 contact. :( And Mr. Wizard.

What is the other problem? I'm curious about your point of view on the matter.

funny, that's exactly what happened to me - on top of constantly being told by my peers and professor that women aren't as good at math, can't think analytically, and repeatedly ignored by the professor when I had a question. I decided I wasn't going to put up with that bullshit and ended up doing something completely

devil's advocate is used to expose flaws in an arguement by choosing the opposing view. It is not an excuse to defend the indefensible. It's fucking gross.

you're playing devil's advocate for a man who murdered six people, and would have killed more? A man who killed his roommates so his apartment could be used as a torture and killing chamber? Dude, that's incredibly gross.

no one is accusing them of conspiracy. However, the decision does not exist in a vacuum unto itself. It is part of a broad trend that has roots in particular beliefs about women and men. The fact that Disney is a corporation does not mean they are immune from criticism about how their choices reflect and reinforce

you do realize that institutions are for individuals who are a danger to themselves or others, right? A person who is able to function in society with a mental illness (and many do) or who are not harmful would not be there.

no. Criminal Insanity is not the same as being mentally ill. The fact that his belief system was incredibly depraved does not mean he was criminally insane. (It also doesn't necessarily mean he was mentally ill, either. People should NOT be attempting to diagnose a mental illness over the internet.) this kid knew to

You are arguing against government regulating business, against government regulating bodies, and against governments mandating informational warnings.

Really? The fetus's rights have less value than a 24 hour waiting period to think it over?

Balter, the problem with your argument is that it could be applied directly to abortion without any limit whatsoever.

I don't see how you can say you are in favor of human rights if you can't see a right for humans to start their lives as humans. I see a right to be born as falling under the umbrella of Amnesty's right to life. A lot of people do.

Gee whiz Balter, I'm so glad that you showed me that 50 million killed because they were undesired and 7 million killed because they were undesirable are so different.

1. Holy Cow Batman! Amnesty International approves so it must be good!

There is a difference between a procedure that is legal for women to choose because of individual liberty and body autonomy and a group that seeks to destroy all members of another group. Learn it.

1. Amnesty International supports access to abortion.

Sometimes I think the push from groups to exclude/diminish evolution from the curriculum is just more evidence of just how poor our (US) education has been regarding science for the last 30 years.