
this conversation has nothing to do with evolution. So I can understand why it may seem incomprehensible to you.

Yeah dude, because you tried to make broad claims about women’s experiences regarding menstruation and motherhood based on what you recall from your childhood. So what exactly are you contributing to the conversation?

Me too! and when I use pads, it pretty much guarantees I will need an immediate replacement. And it still sometimes stains my underwear :(

And many teens may not have a regular cycle.

Huh. My phone doesn’t want to copy/paste today.

“If I do move in, my tax revenue will go to the city, which in turn would be able to use it to build affordable housing units.”

Duncan Jones is 44 years old. Waiting until 25 has nothing to do with proving worth - more likely mitigating the potential poor decisions made in youth. A situation which doesn’t apply to a 44 year old.

But it should.

I totally get it :( The person who hired me when I was teaching was pretty sure I got shittier reviews from students because I’m a woman.

sure, because no one has any right to my body without my continued consent. so yes, I will deny the fetus the “rights” that you have enumurated - because no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term against their will. Then you are not only denying a woman her basic human rights, but you are granting the fetus

I believe abortion should be legal because no one, not even a fetus, has any right which results in a person losing the right they have to control their own bodies. We give the dead more respect than women.

I still regret not sending a steak back when it was clear whoever was cooking had no clue what blackened was. (And it was an option listed on the menu!)

While men are indeed more likely to be victims of violent crime, when the crime occurs between intimate partners, it’s more likely for a woman to be killed. When it comes to crimes like rape, again, it’s more likely for a woman to be a victim. In addition, the overwhelming majority of violent crime is committed by men.

They are drawing a line based on unsubstantiated claims, (that a fetus at 20 weeks feels pain) against the recommendations of doctors who are in the field of obstetrics, and at the point where doctors can diagnose severe and catastrophic developmental abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with life.

Wait. Why would you peel a peach?

11. Except if you are a woman who needs access to reproductive health care

Holy shit. Is the GOP that ignorant of the constitution? Why yes, please, work towards basing laws on a religious book

That’s fucking hilarious, because abortion facilities were ALREADY heavily regulated in Texas. I don’t think the fuckers read their own laws. Or the experts. Or anyone who actually has any knowledge of the subject. Jesus fucking christ, a doctor with admitting priviledges is not a measurement of quality of care!

More broadly, the history of social reform is characterized by examples of graphic images being used to dramatize injustice and shock the conscience of the culture. Campaigns to end slavery, child labour, civil rights abuses, and other systematic oppression involved showing the public the humanity of the victim and
