
You could try palamino’s golden bear?

I always choose the 2 dollar blackwing over the stupidly cheap pencils. There is a reason they are thet cheap. Even Tombo’s are going to run more than a buck a peice

strange...I recall working with plenty of adults when I worked at a fast food place back in 1996...

hm. How about the Mazda CX5?

huh. Now I know why I got confused. I think it might be a zombie bill.

whooops. thanks!


Not quite! HR 7 actually goes further!

I agree! We should have better programs for the disabled and the elderly. Affordable, quality child care so every child has a safe place to go while their parent is working.

I was pleasantly surprised that this year I didn't receive yet another Bill O'Reilly "killing" book.

There are thousands of couples unable to have children, who would love to adopt the child as their own.

Based on the comment "miserable for three days" makes me wonder if you actually had the flu at all.

1. There are a lot of illnesses that cause flu like symptoms that aren't actually the flu.

you could have exposure to a risk group and not even be aware of it. I look perfectly healthy - but I have asthma. And while my close friends are aware, a lot of my co-workers and other aquaintances have no idea.

except...vaccines are intentionally introducing a pathogen into the immune system so anti-bodies can be developed ahead of time.

your feels are not science, and common sense allows for a lot of stupidity to be perpetuated.

They fund anti-choice organisations in Ireland - and they in turn are keeping abortion illegal here.

I think it's just another form of paternalism. "I know what's right for you and your life." Many of these creeps think motherhood is the ultimate expression of being a woman, and one ALL women should rejoice in.

it just makes me think of a fetal hand emerging from my vagina, which really just creeps me even more the fuck out
