
She was jailed on contempt of court, not convicted of a crime. Regardless, there are valid medical reasons to not discontinue breastfeeding suddenly. Or should we suddenly restrict access to toilet facilities? Urinating is a normal biological function, and 'holding' too long can lead to UTI's. Why should prisoners

She was jailed on contempt of court, not convicted of a crime. Regardless, there are valid medical reasons to not discontinue breastfeeding suddenly. Or should we suddenly restrict access to toilet facilities? Urinating is a normal biological function, and 'holding' too long can lead to UTI's. Why should prisoners

So you totally missed the part about mastitis and the fact that milk production can stop entirely?

wait I want to know what books you recommend

At least you acknowledge the consequence of top males hoarding female erotic capital, even if you're okay with it that the cost for a complication free birth???

I love the Harry Potter series and i always will. But she has already made her billion dollars- maybe let someone else have a shot at writing the next young adult hit?

It is a legal privilege of women to divorce their husbands, get half of the property, get primary custody of the children and receive child support and, perhaps, spousal support.

"Throughout numerous undergraduate classes, I’ve been told that feminism is by women, for women, about women, and men have no place in the movement or that there are no issues for men because of privilege."

We are not animals. Biological differences are not a justification for violence and an unequal power structure that grants unearned privileges to one class over another. You also completely ignored how beliefs in culture about groups contribute to violence. (i.e., rape culture, racism, ableism, homophobia, to name a

I don't think it is helpful for the debate to categorize every group concerned with men's right as lunatics.

Women's bodies and access to sex is not a commodity for men to gain in order to feel a sense of worth. Women get to make choices about their bodies on their own terms, and if that means more women want to fuck the same man, that's their choice to do so.

Huh. now I'm actually glad I never took the SAT or ACT.

I wish I could start a new game when I realize with only a 48 on the board that I'm doomed

  1. It keeps cats socialized, which is a good thing

It's not the professor's job to determine whether or not a student had mental health issues or a disability that requires accommidation.

Ugh. moodle. To be fair, it wasn't horrible - but my biggest problem with it was the student expectation that I be responsible for providing them all hours access to the information/instructions, instead of the student being present in class, paying attention, and taking their own notes.

"He should have petitioned for the failure struck from his record. OR, he should have asked for the opportunity to make up for the 15% in a different method (extra test, an essay, etc.) I'm on Ontario university student, and it is within most University Policies here that allow for that with legitimate cause."

did you see all the other animated features that were nominated as well?

I also don't think he bothers to actually read studies.