
I'm not sure how similar it is since the company that had used the site as a toxic waste dump TRIED TO AVOID SELLING IT AT ALL COSTS to the city. Then tried to tell them NOT TO DIG ANYTHING as they might puncture what was effectively a barrier to keep the toxins out of the groundwater.

Right. So let's not actually address how people learn or why textbook themselves are horrible, and instead just blame facebook.

I'd be a more content single if I didn't have everyone questioning why I don't date, that I'll be alone if I don't get married, that I'll find someone and fall in love, that I won't know what it's like to really be alive unless I'm in love, yadda yadda yadda...

because you know, they have to pay attention when it's an actual book. They won't be daydreaming or doodling in the margins.

Because in complex socioeconomic problems is it very difficult to claim with accuracy that them being male and the gender construct has nothing directly to do with it. Some things men are suffering from have a lot if not everything to do with the fact they're male.

That's awesome to hear. :) I hope we keep learning stuff about child development and divorce so more families can have a more positive outcome.

No, comedy is supposed to be funny.

I LIKE YOU. You deliver. You actually believe the stuff that you say, and you've arrived at your conclusions independently, if I'm any judge of character at all.

Men are and have been expected to deliver heroic feats in order to lay claim to the attention of more privileged ladies.

I think it should be 50/50 custody always, unless there's clear evidence of abuse or neglect.

"No, you can't have unity if one side is always blaming the other because people don't give a shit about a group of people they consider oppressors."

The more money I have to pay for child support, the less I have for paying for my own healthcare, the more time I'll be spending working potentially dangerous jobs, and the more stress I'll endure leading to an earlier death.

So you are defending women's right to make personal decisions even if they have a devastating effect on the child, right after you said men are obligated to throw their lives under the bus for "the best interests of the child." Go to hell.

If you want that end goal you're going to have to jettison the name feminism and patriarchy theory. Can't have unity if one side is more to blame than the other.

I'm not familiar with gender essentialism. Patriarchy theory, to me, is what denies women agency by suggesting that women have been so feeble and weak throughout history to have been subjugated by men.

Same goes for MRA, and while their own feminist and masculist groups keep growing, a common agenda is further away than ever.

And the money for child support happens to be located in his wallet and be generated by productivity using HIS body. I can't use a woman's body for nine months but she can use mine for 18 years?

And these are circumstances created by feminism. I say again, look at how the out of wedlock birth rate compares before and after Second Wave Feminism. Also, studies that control for economic status show the damaging effects of single parenthood.

No it doesn't work both ways. A woman can put her child up for adoption with no further financial obligation, and she can have an abortion. Only men are obligated to care for children they create in society.

Didn't you get the memo? The child is only "half ours" when feminists want to lump us with responsibility. When she wants an abortion, the child is exclusively hers.