It's not single mothers who do emotional damage to children, doofus, it's absent fathers. Single mothers are fucking heroines for doing the job of two people when the other one just can't be bothered.
It's not single mothers who do emotional damage to children, doofus, it's absent fathers. Single mothers are fucking heroines for doing the job of two people when the other one just can't be bothered.
Just because men are improving slowly doesn't mean the changes in the education system haven't adversely affected them.
I never said we should get rid of classroom advances that have allowed women to succeed,
Men dying is war is way worse than being told to stay at home when the fighting starts for the same reason that being raped is worse than being accused of rape.
I hate this argument. It greatly minimizes how many men were compelled into military service. It also makes combat seem like a pleasant thing instead of a hellish experience. Let's cut the crap, if a young couple went back in time to 1942, he might get drafted into the army, and she wouldn't. And she would be happy,…
i would never call myself a MRA, and i agree with very little of what they have been called out on, in this post. but i get called this a lot.
Oh PUHLEEZE...are you really comparing having to hear catcalls with being forced by the state to register for the draft because of your gender?
AVFM is part of a group that believes women have privilege, (the privilege not to go to war, to not work, to not be sexually available, to be believed if filing a false rape report...) men are oppressed, and patriarchy doesn't exist completely ignoring the power relationships that led to women not going to war, to not…
Sorry but this is pretty funny considering how feminists seem to view the lack of women in STEM fields as something unnatural that needs to change. If we're supposed to accept female domination of higher education as normal and natural then why can't feminists accept male domination of a subset of higher education as…
"Most men in our society are oppressed, through violence, capitalism and consumerism."
When you give your opinion in a comment, is it really a necessity to state that it's your personal opinion? It's not like you're tricking anyone or anything.
I understand everyone is trying to get their social justice by saying pigmanbeast is "the hawtest thing ever thank you so much" but I'm not a fool and I have nothing to prove by barking up that tree.
Angry pig-monster face for that lassie.
Our fear of labeling people physically ugly just grants beauty more privilege.
The education gap for example is largely a result of feminist restructuring of the education system after Title IX and discriminate impact theory.
You get acclimated to it, I think. Not that I LIKE living in a messy home. It's like I'm losing an endless war. (Which is stupid, I cause the mess.)
I actually had to learn to pitch my voice up at the end of my statements because I was getting a lot of feedback from students that I was condescending and a know it all. (Because apparently I'm not supposed to be confident in what I'm talking about when it's THE FIELD I WORK IN.)
It might be nice if people didn't talk about being single as if they were "doomed".
"Corporation are legally required to maximize shareholder value."
I approach internet medical research by trying to DISPROVE an illness.