
Savita Halapanavar was in the hospital being monitored by doctors, but she still became septic and died, all because the doctors were waiting for the heart beat to stop.

Uh... yes it was relevant. Treyvon was a trouble-making loser that picked a fight with a coward with a gun...and paid the price. So, yes, he was not completely faultless.

Every time I see that gif I think of really oddly proportioned men with missing arms and huge balls

"The boy in question was the product of a single-mother (yay, feminism! You go, girl!) and was a loser/troublemaker. He didn't deserve death though."

We live in a culture that doesn't give two shits about another boy murdered in the streets of (insert city here). We most certainly live in a culture that blames the corpses (victims) for their part in the crime all the time: "Why was he there at 3AM?" "He was just another drug-loser and got what was coming." So,

"Um....I'm hoping English isn't your first language. There are plenty of powerful, unattractive older women in this world. If you don't believe that, Oprah would like a word with you."

Feminism these days seems less about equality for all and more about 'how can we invade every aspect of life and make things generally unpleasant for everybody not part of our movement?'

It's a trump card. It's a damn powerful trump card when wielded by someone with brains.

....So I had this huge long rebuttal that kinja just ate, so I'm going to summarize instead.

A) I have never been told beauty is all I have. Failing to acknowledge that women have a trump card that greatly dwindles in value after a short expiration date is willful ignorance.

"She lost me when she said Chippendales dancer is okay as a hostage but not girl, because FEMINISM."

Dude, that's the point your missing. Putting aside the argument regarding body autonomy for a brief moment, restricting abortion does not affect unplanned pregnancies, nor does it actually prevent women from getting abortions in many cases. Abortion simply becomes more dangerous. Restrictions do disproportionately

No, it means we have to address a culture that treats 'female' as 'lesser'. The reason why boys get teased for losing to girls is because there is as value judgement involved. Saying we should take that into consideration is just a way of supporting the status quo, which is damaging to boys and girls.

"But limits would change behaviors. "

I'm always confused why a consequence of pregnancy means being stripped of your own body autonomy.

"The goal is2 become a free thinker in this crazy world."

...I had the same reaction.

do you buy chance post any of your lectures online? :)

do you buy chance post any of your lectures online? :)

do you buy chance post any of your lectures online? :)