
PSA: Stop asking for FFXV on the Switch. The game struggles to run on the PS4. It will not run on the Switch. Period.

He is quite nice. When I spoke to him last year (I think at E3) the first thing he said was that he hoped everything was OK at Kotaku. (You may recall that last summer was, uh, a dramatic time for our company.) 

Here’s how, stop allowing for it to be a currency exchanged on the marketplace. Put your integrity over your priority for money. There’s an Xbox one release around the corner that will net you literally millions of dollars to continue further funding. Be an indie dev with decency and stop allowing “players” to openly

That moment when the VP of Marketing realized that nobody had listened when they said they were changing the name and were still referring to it as

Did it really take them this long to realize no one ever stopped calling it, and never would?

The game warns you in the game, so that would be pretty childish, if you kept playing past that and then didn’t like what happened. You should refund when you hit the warning if it’s that upsetting.

yeah god forbid a game critic criticizes a game news announcement /s Maybe flip and heed your own advice and shut the fuck up.

I wish I could understand the appeal of rogue-likes. I really do. But to put in all that work and only get shafted with forces you couldn’t control? I’ll pass.

Or, you know, he can express his opinion however he sees fit.

I’d like to know a little bit more about practicality of all this. Like, how long is the game in total? How many times would you need to die to trigger this? Is it a straight running count or does it reset or become reduced with progress? How is the actual challenge?

I believe it’s his opinion on the feature itself, rather than the game.

I’ll fight you.

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

Its the REFRESH RATE causing it. Not the FPS. Alot of people here seem quick to call the author wrong but interpolation alone can account for a difference in load times between monitors. Thats not even taking into account the engine.

This isn’t quite true. Unlocking framerate actually can affect loading and there’s actually mods for prominent games that toggle VSync and frames during load times. You transition faster from loading screen to the game itself and that time can add up.

No, if enough people make it clear they won’t tolerate hate (a noble goal), then the harasser won’t stop, and will feel gratified through all the attention he/she wants so badly. Pragmatically speaking, that’s what will happen.

Exactly, it takes far more effort to defend abuse than deal it out, and in the end, no defender is going to teach the abuser anything, other than giving them the emotional high from the attention they so desperately crave.

THIS. I never go into discussion with the troll. I just say I “AAAAND MUTE”, so he knows he is losing me as an audience . Trying to have a conversation with those people is an pointless exercise. It has nothing to do with me being unwilling to step up and defend a fellow human being. I would even argue letting the

Hey, I think you’re partially correct and that trolls will not stop no matter how much we confront them. However, The Gaming Community is very much generational, and has a pretty high turnaround in terms of who those Generations are made of. If we can start modeling good behavior to the younger kids who come into

What about people who have no interest in playing parent?

I think it’s important to step up and say things. I’ll easily start griefing a fellow team member with pot shots to the dome if they start calling people fags, etc. I’ll tell them to grow up and I’ll mess with their game as best I can. I’ll sacrifice my K/D in