
The flip-side: I don’t find Blizzard’s behavior bad enough to boycott them. I even agree with them, that this player abused his moment on the big stage for a statement, that has nothing to do with the game. I disagree with the initial reaction, but I agree that they can’t have that. The next winner is probably a

I have quit two jobs in the past, because I didn’t agree with company policy. If this one job is all you can get and you absolutely cannot find another job, if your employer turns out to be a scumbag, then the problem is your country.

Does that mean Ghost Recon is now a religion?

2004 was six years ago? I love time travel plots.

I can’t wait for the day the Vita gets its last official update, the day we can all go aboard CFW train. Choo, choo!

Did you just actually report on a delicate topic by listing the events and collecting statements from people from the industry, without joining either “camp” with your own opinion on the matter? I haven’t been here in a year and the first random article I read is a factual sober objective piece, although hot buttons

To keep things fresh, of course.

... or for their expertise in cyber security.

Since the story is so linear, it’s a perfect match for blockchain.

1. register

Your entire post and the very notion that any of it makes sense, is a sign of a derailed culture. Keep telling people that words hurt and they will. Any attempt to domesticate humans into friendly docile creatures has always resulted in diversion - not diversity - of the peaceful and the violent, which ultimately

R u on mobile, or do u need a ablnce?

I think this is a direct reaction to recent EU legislation. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will go into effect soon and this kind of data is very likely to fall under that regulation. Valve thinks it’s better to be safe than sorry, and while they’re at it, allow the rest of the world to benefit from

They should be fined for a lousy display of trigger discipline.

I’m afraid comment sections and reddit style thread streams have made actually interesting discussions with groups made so inaccessible, that the internet now seems like a huge white noise generator.

- The Division got a lot of updates and cycled through multiple player bases until they decided to go and make a second game. The game was considered broken for a lot of people and the constant attempts at fixing things made it worse. Enough people I know stopped playing the game all together, because it was no fun to

This is the fourth time TODAY I read this comparison between FF and SW. Error in the matrix or bubble mime?

Abusing the dismiss feature will eventually solve the problem automatically, if I have understood the feature correctly.

Pfff, another post pretending, that the people who ask for something are the same people complaining about getting it later. There is no consensus, hive mind or otherwise connected consciousness, that’s just a stream of opinions.

FF13 at least was a complete sub-series with three long and rather satisfying games.