
I have quit two jobs in the past, because I didn’t agree with company policy. If this one job is all you can get and you absolutely cannot find another job, if your employer turns out to be a scumbag, then the problem is your country.

Or all Governments.

2004 was six years ago? I love time travel plots.

I can’t wait for the day the Vita gets its last official update, the day we can all go aboard CFW train. Choo, choo!

Little Vita, you were born in a harsh world with little love for portable consoles, except your rival the 3DS. Your parents nearly abandoned you at an early age. You were never given a chance to show your full potential. You will be missed.

I’m sorry, but perhaps you could explain to me how one does “business” without “work”ing? These were independent contractors, artists, who were coming here to discuss and promote their work. They weren’t here to go into a studio at WotC headquarters and start painting.

Would you expect to sleep on the floor, given only a single blanket to try to sleep on after being handcuffed and taken to a facility as if you were some common criminal?

Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you with this bullshit take. “America’s problems are excusable because slavery exists somewhere.” Fuck this bullshit take and fuck you.

The fact that there aren’t holding cells where we treat detained individuals like actual fucking human beings who get BEDS is the exact fucking problem.

Also, please explain why three clearly dangerous D&D artist nerds needed to be fucking handcuffed, and if you’re tempted to use the words “standard procedure,” refer

You’d expect to be handcuffed and detained overnight in a facility with no beds because of a glitch in your paperwork? Do you expect to live in a fucking police state?

Hahaha, I love how this is Americans defense every time. "We are not literally the worst country in the world, so don't complain about us". You guys have very low standards. 

“but this is most likely not an issue rising from recent circumstances. It’s nothing more than what happens when anyone attempts to enter the country with the wrong visa.”

you expect to be handcuffed, detained and put into an ICE camp if your paperwork isn’t right?

those are some terrible expectations.

The Department of Customs and Border Protection already exists. ICE is a paramilitary department whose only function in the 10 years it has existed is to terrorize and illegally imprison immigrant populations without due process. 

Psst. It’s Austria. The one below Germany. 😉

There should have been no reason for them to be denied entry under ESTA visa for business. From the DHS own website:

Did you just actually report on a delicate topic by listing the events and collecting statements from people from the industry, without joining either “camp” with your own opinion on the matter? I haven’t been here in a year and the first random article I read is a factual sober objective piece, although hot buttons

Hell, maybe I’ll actually have a reason to give a goddamn about the connection between Noctis and Lunafreya by the time they finish releasing everything?

And yes, I know, their relationship is explored to some degree in the ancillary material.

Here’s the thing: Games that are not part of a multi-game arc are meant to be

The thing is many people find the “OMFG, a trap!” thing very cool. Particularly in the weeby anime community, people will eat a game like Catherine up.