
A time machine and an armed sub marine... when the colonization of America has been prevented, we bring that sub forward in time again and drop it on JJ Abrams birth place, just in case history turns out to be more resilient to tampering than we anticipated.

It’s all about those side hustles. The moment ad money or donation money puts food on your table and pays your rent, you’re already so and so big, because of all the deals you made to promote and sell things on your stream. However, donations are important for streamers who start with nothing. A total of a hundred

It’s easier than it looks. I am an IT and quality management consultant. I helped a streamer/youtuber from zero to money last year and he made enough after three months to pay me comfortably by the hour. It was really something to watch that enterprise grow so quickly.

Read all the comments. There is no focus on anything. A 12 years old streamer is very likely to be swatted by another 12 years old, one from his school, someone who knows his address. There isn’t a single 12 years old who knows where I live.

Warrgl raarr blerrg *snort*?

All he had to do, was shut his mouth about anything but the game and everything would have been fine.

I didn’t know who this guy was, until I read about him here.

If we got rid of the word “offended” and forced people to use words like “insulted, annoyed, shocked, worried or disgusted”, instead of having such a catch-all word for “witnessed something contrary to my world views”, we probably would deal a mortal blow to the general insecurity of the English speaking world.

My best friend is Russian. I make fun of Russians all day, but it’s the respectful kind of fun... yada yada positive racism, all the Russians go “Dis guy undrstand Russia!” and invite me to squat next to them and share their Semechki.

You’re telling me the guy was wong to speak up?

China, fuckton of people, fuckton of nukes.

Then again, your attempt to conjure up some narrative about this somehow being systematic isn’t exactly helpful either. Have you noticed, that the majority of rape accusations happened while strangers shared rooms, because they didn’t want to miss an event, although they didn’t have the money?

There is as much a gaming community as an entity, as there is a bread eater community or a television watcher community. It’s random people with a hobby.

We also got the obligatory moral heckler post. Good job, what would the comment section be without it?

FF15 was an enjoyable game until the full force of their “games as a service” model hit it with full force. I do not enjoy this contemporary style, this is too volatile for my taste. I want to go back and play the entire thing in 5, 10, 20 years and compare my 2016 views on the game with whatever happened to me then.

Did they put butter on the fridge?

I did, more or less. Dying and being sent back to a checkpoint is not the same as being difficult. I started playing games when it was normal to have a couple of lives and then it was starting the game all over again.

You don’t die to the Capra demon, you throw turds over the fog gate.

Happens to me all the time. However, OP still hasn’t “solved” the problem, so maybe the reminder was a good thing.