
I usually agree with Tom’s assessment, but many he misses the mark on Rogue One, a film I would consider one of the three worst Star Wars films. (I can’t tell whether or not it’s worse than Attack of the Clones).

With this post, I am reminded of James Gunn’s recent comments about superhero films needing to graft on other genres to stay relevant reminded me of this film, among others.

A List of Fictional Characters Ranked by Their Success (or Lack Thereof)

“Biopic” seems like such an odd thing to describe a movie about someone who was alive thousands of years ago.

I haven’t seen Hamilton but I always imagined it was like that Mr. Show sketch Rap the Musical. Especially when old white people were praising the hell out of it.

Between him hammering his car — twice! — into a highway abutment while blasting The Pogues, “James Cromwell of Knightsbridge, Stepney and Mersey,” and questioning the provenance of a free bar’s Irish whisky, McNulty has to be one of my favorite tortured drunk cop characters ever.

It’s interesting how the show indicts Jimmy’s resentment at the legal establishment by repeatedly showing that the people at the top of the ladder that he hates are actually pretty decent guys. We’re trained as audience members to instinctively sympathize with the protagonist, and so without really knowing better we

No, Lydia told her, didn’t you read the review?

I’m glad they are done with Alpha. I never agreed that she was a good villain. She’s just a wack job and had it coming. I don’t understand how she ever converted anybody to whisperism no matter how much nihilistic back story they showed. Personally, I’d rather join the garbage artists.

How does a Jere Burns appearance make sense? All I remember of him was that he was a the head of the counseling group for Jesse in Breaking Bad. Is there some backstory (other than his daughter’s death) that says he lived in an adobe compound and/or patrolled the streets of Albuquerque helping out old dudes getting

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Thank God We Have Better Call Saul on Monday Edition:

Saul took a Vacuum Man relocation because of the events of BB, and he specifically mentioned Omaha (and Cinnabon!) to Walt.  Not saying stuff from BCS won’t come back to haunt Gene, but everything falling apart at the end of BB was definitely what prompted his disappearance.

I usually dislike Armisen but dammit, he was funny here. Although I am almost 100 percent aligned with Larry in my impatience with slow walkers/drivers, which probably contributed to my enjoyment of that bit. It certainly was better than the waiting room nonsense, especially the first scene — Larry’s assholery is fun

I’m glad to have Donna back for BCS because it increases the number of people capable of professional writing at AVC by one, for a grand total of... one.

There was nothing in Al Capone’s vault

Case in point, there’s no “Godfather” of comedy movies

JJ Abrams would never create polio! He would create a disease that reminded you a lot of polio, was nowhere near as terrifying as polio, but it would not be a polio ripoff. It would be a loving polio homage, because he respects polio so much.

Last week, when there was the Twitter dogpile on Abrams, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega for being seen as selling out Rian Johnson/TLJ, one writer/critic replied to people who hated TLJ by tearing various other Star Wars films to shreds. It wasn’t done in a way which suggested they loved these movies but knew their

“muck a little with the assumed trajectory of this ongoing story,” I would politely say you’re completely full of shit. Dangling plot threads? Cut. Not completed, not resolved, not anything - the threads were fucking cut. And why? SUBVERSION IS ACTUAL STORYTELLING, OF COURSE!

Kylo’s helmet is the key to all this, because it’s a funnier helmet than we’ve had before.