No big deal in February, but now that the backlash will be bigger, it’s a problem....
No big deal in February, but now that the backlash will be bigger, it’s a problem....
HBO also has one of the most progressive voice’s in journalism as one of it’s leading shows, Last Week Tonight. As well as being the only channel to put a voice to the issues residents faced after hurricane Katrina, Treme. And possibly the closest representation to the real life war on drugs, The Wire.
Ad hominem, you’ve already lost the argument if you pull that card this fast.
The Prince of Egypt is a kids movie about Jewish slavery.
The link you posted is poor wording and knee jerk reactions. It still says “slave trade” right above the word workers, writer probably thought it was redundant to say the “slave trade brought thousands of slaves”. But then again we have to tell people here in the US that hot coffee is hot.
“White people need to sit down and shut up if they won’t help the cause!”
There is plenty of media from the perspective of a Jewish person in an internment camp, hell Anne Frank’s Diary is a real story about a little girls last moments before the Nazi’s found and murdered her and her entire family.
So is the Man in the High Castle an endorsement of Nazism? Or Handmaids Tale an endorsement of treating women like property? Or are you just having a kneejerk reaction to something you really don’t know anything about, except a rough premise?
I don’t think cops could have solved this situation. This escalated so far that the National Guard would have been a better option. In a town of 42,000, there can’t be that many cops.
Those cops were woefully unprepared. With a city of only roughly 42,000 those cops are ridiculous outnumbered.
Kotaku is turning into my Facebook feed.
Can we just get them all into a room under the pretense of “mediation”, and fire that fucker into the sun?
So how the hell are these guys sports commentators? And why would I want to get my political news from someone who’s supposed to tell me who’s on first?
Steam has a free weekend for it, and a sale as well.
Steam has a free weekend for it, and a sale as well.
Question about the article: Are momonga’s legal in the US?
Yeah I doubt it’ll look like the Japan in the propaganda videos that were coming out of there ahead of a possible invasion of the mainland.
Or the Devs saw the writing on the wall when the article was written and bailed before it became an issue. That would definitely save them some trouble down the road.
Want to see how many “pull ups” I can do?
On both sides they’ve gone to shit. The pro reviews are full of people who haven’t even been there, likewise with the negatives.
If the worst thing that could happen to your game is free publicity, then your game has a problem.