
The California Inmate Firefighting Program has been around for decades. The opportunity to get in is such that it has a waiting list of inmates. Most of the time, the inmates clear brush, maintain firebreaks, check emergency wells, etc. The time spent actually on the fire line is less than 10 -20 % in most years. It

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Y’know... the notion of an artist “taking” the top spot from someone else is inherently stupid. Each artist created a work and published it. Billboard simply publishes a ranking based on accumulated marketplace data. To claim that an artist “took” the top spot is to claim an Oscar was “taken” from another actor by the

I can’t help but feel like this is glossing over the reality that there are vastly different audiences and what the Billboard Top 100 factors into their rankings means TSwift is going to be on top not because she is white, but because she has a larger audience. Sorry, it isn’t some proxy battle or anything.

This is s good metaphor. White people and POC have differing, but equally garbage taste in music. TSwifts latest jam is trash. Cardi’s lastest jam is trash.

Now playing

I can’t exactly call myself a connoisseur of beauty pageants, but it’s my understanding that throwing political questions at these poor ladies is not unusual at all. Jon Oliver’s segment on beauty pageants remains the gold standard for investigative reporting on the matter, and he reported it as if political questions

Yes, Ash is awesome! I love seeing so many women in R6. This is just highlighting the new characters and saying women rule this particular DLC, but I definitely enjoy playing as the others as well.

Not exactly something that needs to be highlighted, good women characters have been in the game since it came out.

The reasons to be against doxxing are the same reasons to be against the death penalty: Not wanting the wrong person to get punished. Convicting someone wrongly in the court of public opinion can have lasting repercussions in their lives, and then whom do you hold responsible for it?

Grave of the Fireflies fucked me up so bad that I don’t think I could handle this movie.

After reading this, I downloaded Roblox to look the game up out of curiosity. Not only can I not find it, but it already has been replaced by several fake clones claiming to be the game, but definitely aren’t. So it looks like Nintendo already pulled it down.

He’s the real MVP for banning Crossfit Cultists tho

Who is “you guys”?

Meh. I can honestly say I’ve heard all these songs over the last 6 weddings I’ve attended. Play what people have fun with and that’s alright by me. I’d probably be pretty pissed if that was a playlist for a road-trip or had to listen to during a traffic jam, but a wedding attendance of multi-generations and

Came here to say this.

Nah. She’s great, but Deon Cole makes EVERY scene he’s in his.

Yeah, but it’s not. It’s everyone these days harboring animosity towards almost anyone else. Case in point, you’re attacking so-called snowflakes right now, which will in turn make anyone who thinks you’re talking about them lash out right back at you. Back to a never ending cycle. Just relax, accept that other

Which, in turn, gives him the absolute right to roast you for being an SJW, or alt-left, or whatever he wants to say, because you feel justified, and around and around it goes. It’s a cycle because no one breaks it. And so it goes.

“During my wait, an attorney called Ruszczyk the “most innocent” police shooting victim he’s ever seen. Robert Bennett—the lawyer who made these comments—is either blatantly lying or he is the stupidest white man in the long, storied history of stupid white men.”

Counterpoint: nah.